Courts of Heaven Explained in Under 60 Seconds 🙏 #Shorts

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Robert Henderson explains (in less than 60 seconds) what the Courts of Heaven are.

#SidRothShorts #shorts
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"Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
and he will deliver you."
         Psalm  50 : 15


Man i prayed n i walked did my brother!. Gods on my side


Thank you God for allowing us to stand in Jesus’ authority, and cast these demons out of our gov! Thank you lord for your love that comes like waves in the ocean!


I have Prayed, “How much longer, Lord, ” shall I suffer at the Hands of
_ _ _ _ FEELING JUSTICE, was to Come! And it did!!’🙏🏻


I come before you O God and yake you at your word and receive the verdict that I seek!❤❤❤❤


Amen. Stop begging God. Pray in faith, believe that he is and he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him.


to God!!!I put this into my prayers and petitions unto God in Christ Jesus ⛪️ 🔥🙏


I had a dream about the rapture folks! A large comet will be visible in our skies shortly before it occurs. I think God have me this dream as a puzzle piece for the timing of the rapture. Stay prepped, God Bless


God is the judge of all .remember that


Heaven is allowing us to come in these holy places so easily, and we don't know it.


Dear God, please watch over the Audits, let the truth come out, and justice prevail, in Jesus' name!


God fight my battles for me let me win every case in Jesus mighty name amen l take all my enemies to the court of God let my enemies be found guilty amen l am free from every spiritual prison amen


To GOD be the glory! I love brother Robert Henderson's ministry, It's so encouraging! Thank you brother Henderson..Thank you Sid for having ISN it's truly a blessing!


I've always pleaded with his majesty


Wow, this is good stuff, about the Heavenly


I was living in a hundred-year-old home and the floors was falling through the house the roof was falling through and my son and I he was for had to have somewhere to live and we moved into this house paying 150 a month rentI live there 10 years well year 9 I started praying God please find something here close for me and Matthew to be close to our mama my mama is Grandma and I prayed and prayed and I was a little brick house for sale in New Hope where I live and my brother told me if you don't buy it somebody else will I got it for 53, 000 will I was going to work that morning and I found the house and I talked to God about it I'll talk to him about anyting I purchase even if it's ice cream Lord do I need it no I don't.. I've always had him as a friend and as a father I look to Jesus as my father and God that's my heavenly father only because Jesus walk this EarthGod made this Earth and I'm not sure if he ever walked on it but I know Jesus did and I know Jesus is God part of theI know we're not supposed to question God or not supposed to Temp God but we can get confirmation from God so I was asking God that morning on the way to work God everything is in play and I need to know am I going to be able to afford this home and I'm I going to be able to pay it off are you going to help me all the way it's 30 years of my life I'm signing up for and God I will always need your help but mostly I need you to calm my fears and I'm not I'm not trying tothey smart but God if this is under $500 a month I don't know which from you and I'll know that I'll be able to pay it off I'll have the faith in myself to keep my commitment with a bank where I borrowedso I finally got to work and the lady from the loan office called me and I went to the office accepted to call and she come back with $504.02this is as low as I can get your payments and this is what you said you could commit to but $4 / is this okay 0hoh yes ma'am that is awesome I can accept the $4 and some cents over thank you. That I have thought me a home that's all I ever wanted growing up was to be able to have one of the boys and have a little brick house where we lived happily ever after in and I got my son only child I haveand I have my little brick house it's so pretty outside and inside it needs a good cleaning up on both ways and 60 and disabled it's hard to keep it clean but I thank God that I have it because if it wasn't for God I'd never bought this house and I'm almost done paying I'm halfway there


I’m always amazed at people who consider themselves Christians, but don’t understand (and even vilify) this very simple concept. Robert explains, and provides scriptural evidence, but these folks still don’t want to believe. We can even read chapters 1 and 2 of the book of Job and see that there is clearly a Court of Heaven.
Lord Jesus, please remove the veil from their eyes so they can believe!


I step into that realm by faith knowing He will answer my prayers and supplication and I receive ALL He has for me in Jesus name!


NEW VIDEO! Rapture Awareness: 3 Words I Heard Today in Prayer & Signs & New Moon Confirmed Over Israel


I have called Jesus Christ Son of David have mercy on me! I lost my daughter she went to heaven and Jesus is so faithful and true. When I ask Him for comfort He immediately covers me with peace and love. He is amazing!He is love ❤️
