We react to Forestella - Bad Romance | REACTION

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FORESTELLA is revolutionizing classical crossover with their special style. With their way of combining contemporary with classical music, they are breaking new and unusual ground in literally every musical direction. And "rock music" suits them particularly well. Their new interpretation of "Bohemian Rhapsody" is a MUST. Their version of "We are the Champions" and "The Show Must Go On" are also highly recommended (FORSTELLA loves Queen and you can feel it). This also applies to "Lazenca Save Us" (so powerful and epic!) and their spectacular original "Utopia".


Brilliant Forestella, please react to more of their songs, original and covers, u definitely won’t be disappointed. 🍃🍃🍃🍃🥰 thank you.


El mejor cuarteto del mundo mundial, los reyes de las armonias, cantan en muchos idiomas y diferentes tipos de musica, rock, pop, clasica, opera, baladas, salsa, etc, y todo les suena hermoso, voces espectaculares y performans maravillosos


Forestella, The best!
Incredible talented!
Love them!


My favourite husband and wife duo on YouTube, i love how they just straight into the reaction, no begging for subscriptions, no smash the like button, blah, blah, what a brilliant channel guys, if you're watching and you're not subscribed get subscribing right now, come on fellow Brits hit that subscribe button, lets help this beautiful couple get to 500k subs (they definitely deserve our support 🇬🇧)


El mejor grupo crossover #Forestella ❤🇲🇽


Their version of "Spread Silk On MY Heart" is also a MUST!
A real treat and listening pleasure. Your opinion on this would be very interesting.


Thanks for your enjoyable reaction.

For some of their more powerful, contemporary covers try Legends Never Die, Lazenca Save Us, Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are The Champions or Warriors. Or more classically, Champions or Parla Piu Piano or their overwhelming original Utopia, which is the second piece of their incomplete trilogy. The excellent Save Our Lives being the first in that trilogy.


❤#forestella sin duda son los mejores artistas de estos tiempos del género crossover, cada presentación es única y extraordinaria, pueden cantar de lo mas clásico coreano hasta rock, pop, jazz, OST de series, clásicos italianos, ingleses y en diferentes idiomas son ESPECTACULARES larga vida a #forestella y me alegra que los hayan descubierto ❤muchas gracias por su reacción la disfruté mucho y espero verlos denuevo. Saludos 😘🇨🇱


You must react to their cover of “Mama”, it is amazing!!! Very soon Woorim the base will be back from his military service and I am really looking forward to their new shows!


I highly recommend their version of „Time in a bottle“…. But you are right: whatever genre you throw at them, they master it 🥰 When it comes to different languages, i recommend „Shape of you“, „Je suis malade“, „Parla piu piano“ and „Inner Universe“ 🥰


Gracias por la reacción tienen bohemian rapsody, we are the champions, legend never die❤


You should do more, they are always full of surprises as they are crossover group


Me alegro que hayan reaccionado nuevamente a mi cuarteto favorito, #Forestella es un grupo Crossover muy ingenioso, cantan cualquier género musical y en diferentes idiomas, a pesar de tener rangos vocales diferentes se complementan muy bien para lograr esas impresionantes armonías que los caracteriza. Esta integrado por: CHO MINGYU (tenor ligero, cantante de ópera y líder del grupo), KANG HYUNGHO (contratenor, sopranista y rockero, tiene una banda de rock llamada "Pitta"), BAE DOOHOON (barítono y actor musical y KO WOORIM (bajo lírico y cantante de ópera, actualmente se encuentra en el servicio militar hasta el mes de mayo). Por favor, reaccionen a "SAVE OUR LIVES" canción original de ellos, es muy buena, al igual que "UTOPIA", "WHITE NIGHT", "KOOL", "APOCALYPSE", también tienen muchos cover como: "BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY" "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS" "SHAPE OF YOU" "INNER UNIVERSE" "CHAMPIONS" de la Liga de Campeones y muchas mas. Saludos desde Venezuela 🇻🇪🤗


por reaccionar a FORESTELLA Los Reyes del Crossover y las Armonías Perfectas Si me permiten sugerirles Je Suis Malade, Time In A Bottle, White Night, Save Our Lives, por mencionar algunos hay muchísimo material de Ellos, Magníficos Covers y Música Original muy Bella ♥️🥰🇲🇽


어메이징 음색 하모니 포레스텔라 음색 으로 표현 해주는 순간 영화 한편 본거같은 기분입니다 ❤행복한 영상 감사합니다 항상 두분 응원합니다 ❤


Gracias por reaccionar al mejor grupo Crossover mi favorito #Forestella a los Reyes de las Armonías Perfectas!! Pueden cantar cualquier género musical y en cualquier idioma de forma perfecta! Recomiendo, Je Suis Malade la cual es una joya de interpretación, Lanzeca Save us Rock Coreano, Legends never die, Parla piu Piano, entre muchas mas joyas! ❤❤❤


The guy who wing very high note (His name is Kang Hyeong-ho) is actually a Rock singer ㅎㅎ Haha 😄

You asked Rock song of Forestella,
I recommand "We are the champion", "Time in a bottle"


Try ‘Maldito sea mi suerte’ or ‘Je suis malade’. You will see their true talents. Slower tempo, yet awesomely emotional version of the songs.


Melhor grupo crossover, em qualquer gênero, em qualquer idioma, eles fazem o melhor ❤
Saudações do Brasil.
Quem canta Rock é o que tem a voz mais aguda, PITTA, vi a performance dele cantando Toxicity do Sistema off daw.... fique chocada
Saudações do Brasil
Mas eles juntos Lazenca sabe us e outro show
