*NEW* That's Not My Neighbor NIGHTMARE MODE IS CRAZY...with new secrets?!!

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That's Not My Neighbor Gameplay

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Here are all the answers in Chester's quiz
5. SCP038
6. 45360


The ghosts as humans

1:22 Dr. W Afton
2:58 Margaret Bubbles
4:37 Lois Stiltsky
5:54 Arnold Schmitch
7:00 Robertsky Peachman
7:56 Chester
8:39 Izaack Guass
9:42 Alf Cappacuccin
11:44 Nacha Mikaelys
12:36 Steven Rudboys
13:28 Chester
13:42 Robertsky Peachman
14:39 Arcade Mode Clown
15:40 Gloria Schmitch
16:35 Dr. W Afton
17:27 Mia Stone
18:10 Mia Stone
18:57 Mia Stone
19:18 Gloria Schmitch
19:47 Rafttellyn Cappacuccin
20:31 Gloria Schmitch
20:50 Clown from Game
24:23 End

Edit 1: Thanks for all the likes in 3 days! I appreciate it.
Edit 2: Thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you! You guys are the best!
I just said the ghosts into neighbors and I get 154 likes!!
Edit 3: Omg! It’s growing so quickly! 161 likes from last post which was a day ago!
Edit 4: Yesterday i looked at this and it had 170 likes and now 180! Thank you a lot :)
Edit 5: 200 likes celebration ;)
Edit 6: All the edits are how many times I say Gloria Schmitch and Mia Stone, each of them were impersonated 2x 😭
Also, 220 likes! Mama i’m famous!


" Are you gonna be the next milkman? " Translation: " Are you gonna be the person everyone simps for?"


12:38 "Oh..are you gonna be the next milkman-" I CANNOT ANYMORE🤣


"If this clown appears in your dreams don't play any games with him" - Leaflet from arcade mode.
I love how it correlates with the appearance of the clown in nightmare mode, where we're actually playing in a nightmare!


“Are you going to be the next milk man
Got dying so harder 😂 12:39
Edit: ”just kidding she’s the new milk man 17:30




17:32 "oh she's going to be the new milk man xD"


1:22 Springtrap into the springy-verse


"Are you gonna be the next Milkman?"

Oh god she knows ._.


are you gonna be the new milkman? translation: i think i might be in love


YES! Nightmare mode! I’ve been waiting for you to try this! Love your videos! 😁


Here is the answers to Chester's quiz

Question 1: FAWKES
Question 3: WOJTEK
Question 4: ZUL'GURUB
Question 5: SCP038
Question 6: 45360

Hope this helps!


Forever Nenna, I have a request, can you play metal sonic apparition (Metal sonic exe game) and try to get all the endings like how you did with sonic exe nightmare beginning? (Please pin this comment)


Evil Chester question

1. Fawkes




5. SCP038

6. 45360

I think
Bcs i see it on google


“Shub a- ni- I’ll just call you shrub is that okay?” Low key one of the best parts😂
Edit: tysm for 140 likes!


1:40 orcus is actually a reference to springtrap from fnaf I guess He’s supposed to be Dr.W. Afton. Robotic wires, decaying yellow suit, PURPLE skin?


"You'll be escorted to the guillotine"
Bro took that seriously
( 21:27 )


And lo, since I love Neena''s videos so much, I spent a literal hour and a half writing this story of my take on THATS NOT MY NEIGHBOUR! This legit might be the longest story I have ever wrote, this took me 5 and a half hours so if you read it all I would sincerely appreciate it, and also be astronomically flabergasted and if you dont fall unconcious by the time you are half way through, YOUR WELCOME, also a little warning, prepare yourself before you press read more, this is my longest story and my most proudest, I expect lots of comments below saying, IM NOT GOING TO READ ALL THAT, but I came prepared this time with a lot more than I usually bring to the table and this time I had to shorten it because youtube didnt allow me to post something that big lmao XD -

*In the neon-lit 1980s, Foreverneena found herself facing an unusual job offer as an apartment receptionist. Her tasks seemed ordinary at first: checking IDs, verifying entry requests, and ensuring that appearances matched IDs and serial codes. However, as part of the D.D.D (Doppelgänger Detection Department), Foreverneena soon discovered the true nature of her role. Within the seemingly mundane tasks lurked a sinister reality: demonic versions of the apartment residents sought to infiltrate the building, aiming to kill and devour everyone inside. These doppelgängers manifested with subtle imperfections, from slight errors in serial codes to grotesque physical deformities like stitched eyes and vulgar worms eroding the skin of the Doppelgänger. Foreverneena's mission became clear: she had to prevent any doppelgängers from breaching the apartment's defenses, lest she and her neighbors face certain doom. She could call the apartment to verify if the true resident was already inside, but if imperfections were detected or the person was occupied, Foreverneena had to initiate the D.D.D cleaning protocol to stop the doppelgänger before it was too late. One morning, Foreverneena found herself face to face with Sarah, a young woman whose presence exuded an air of quiet confidence. With a warm smile and a polite greeting, Sarah presented her ID with practiced ease, her entry request clear and concise. As Foreverneena scrutinized the information before her, everything appeared to be in order—the photo on the ID matched Sarah's appearance, and the serial code checked out without a hitch. Despite the apparent perfection of the situation, a nagging sense of unease lingered in the back of Foreverneena's mind. Sensing a previous problem with Sarah, she decided to err on the side of caution. With a sense of caution, she dialed the department number, her fingers trembling slightly as she awaited confirmation. To her relief, the voice on the other end confirmed her suspicions—Sarah was indeed already within the confines of the building, her presence accounted for. Later that same evening, Foreverneena encountered Mary Jane, a resident whose cheerful disposition and easy charm had endeared her to the other occupants of the building. As Mary Jane approached the reception desk, Foreverneena greeted her with a smile, her demeanor relaxed and friendly. Mary Jane's ID, much like Sarah's, appeared to be in perfect order—her photo matched her appearance, and the serial code was flawless in its execution. Sensing a previous problem with Sarah, Foreverneena hesitated for a moment. Remembering the confirmation of Mary Jane's presence from the hotline, she decided to let her through, trusting in her authenticity. However, a lingering doubt gnawed at her mind. With a moment of uncertainty, she discreetly called the hotline for Mary's apartment, her heart racing with apprehension. To her surprise, Mary's husband answered the call, revealing that Mary wasn't home anymore. The revelation sent a chill down Foreverneena's spine, raising questions about the authenticity of the similarity between Sarah's and Mary's encounter, knowing that no matter how perfect people look, there is always a possibility of a doppelgänger, ripping her to shreds if it got inside the complex. Despite the unsettling revelation, Foreverneena remained composed, her resolve unwavering as she allowed Mary Jane through One evening, as the shadows lengthened and the neon lights flickered, Foreverneena found herself face to face with Edward, a resident whose presence sent a shiver down her spine. Edward's eyes were stitched closed, an unsettling sight that filled Foreverneena with horror and dread. Despite the shock of the encounter, she remained steadfast, her training kicking into high gear as she processed the gravity of the situation. With a trembling hand, she initiated the department protocol, dialing the number with a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation. The confirmation came swiftly—Edward's presence within the building was confirmed, but the sight of his stitched eyes haunted Foreverneena's dreams long after the encounter had ended. In the aftermath of the unsettling encounter with Edward, Foreverneena found herself grappling with a newfound sense of unease. The incidents with Sarah, Mary Jane, and Edward served as stark reminders of the dangers that lurked within the shadows, a constant threat that loomed over the apartment building like a dark cloud. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Foreverneena's vigilance remained unwavering. Each shift brought with it new challenges, new encounters that tested her resolve and determination. Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there remained a glimmer of hope—a beacon of light that illuminated the darkness and guided her through the storm. And so, as the sun rose on a new day, casting its warm rays upon the city below, Foreverneena stood as a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity. Though the scars of battle would linger, she emerged from the crucible of darkness stronger, wiser, and more resolute than ever before. For in the heart of the storm, she had found the courage to confront the demons that lurked within—and emerge victorious against all odds. With each passing day, the echoes of uncertainty faded into the background, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and understanding. The apartment building, once shrouded in darkness, now stood as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit—a beacon of hope in a world fraught with hidden dangers. And so, as Foreverneena resumed her duties, she did so with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. For in the end, it was not the darkness that defined her, but the light that shone from within—a light that would guide her through the darkest of nights and into the dawn of a new day* .

And there it is lol, so much time put into this story, but this game is just truly amazing so I felt the honor to write this story, I hope no 6 year olds read this, or they may never be the same again lol, but apart from that, hope you enjoyed the story, and if you are wondering yes I am an author lol, I am writing a story called long may they stand with 37, 000 words atm, AND EVERYONE KNOWS THAT AUTHORS GAME 23 hours a day lmao XD 💀💀💀


"We're cooke-"

Literally anyone in the building
