Voidgrubs Are Overrated

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i think you're missing the plates your laners get from having the grub buff as a top laner theres been plenty of times already this season ive gotten 2 plates before a reset instead of one just because of this buff and its made me come back with huge advantages however i know this is usually only a good thing if you are already winning but still


The timing of this video could not be better since I was confused as to how the notification works. Thanks for the clarification


Actually, you're wrong. The junglers in my emerald games always run straight to grubs at around 6:30 when they remember theyre in the game so they can facecheck a 1v3, die, call me a dog, and spend the rest of the game full clearing and typing in all chat. These players are usually Masters / GM smurfs so I think you're probably wrong here.


do you have ANY data to back that up?
like cool opinion mate but thats worthless without actuall match statistics to back you up.


The thing that makes them strong is that they are optional. You don't need to take them every game, but there can be several scenarios where the timings of top and jungle line up, where there is no reason not to take the void grubs. They are an objective that can be cleared fast so a lot of the time they are very convenient. It's not a necessity like Dragons, and I don't see many players treating it that way.


Grubs are fucking broken lmao who gives a fuck about xp when they one shot towers


I mean sure people "greed" for the grubs but saying they are worthless is just wrong. they give the team a lot of value and a possibility to split push on late game and can be the diference between winning the game with a push or not having enough dmg to kill the inib


i think voigrubs might be "overrated" but still better than you describe. it might be worth not playing for 5 every game but in general its very strong to play for them. when bot is winning grubs allow to end games. if bot is winning it might be easy to stack drakes but if bot is winning it might be easy to just end the game with 5-6 grubs.
i disagree with not prioratizing them but i agree that they are greeded for too much. giving up everything as sololaners is not worth.


I've made this mistake lately and have probably lost games because of it. I was told how over powered the voidgrubs are so I've been focusing them and losing prio over drakes.


with neutral objectives, it's not just about how much gold/xp/utility you're getting, it's also about **denying** that gold/xp/utility to the enemy team. effectively neutral objectives have 2x value.

they also have greater risk as you mention, but a lot of jungling is about evaluating risk vs reward, and this will change game to game. if you have a strong split-pusher then void-grubs could translate into a huge advantage, and if the other team has a strong split-pusher denying void-grubs blunts one of their win cons.


The amount of people that are pushing back about this is stupid, he’s absolutely correct, and I didn’t know that one gives more exp than the rest, I’ll probably just go for one now


In my last game there was one grub missing until Rift spawned, now I know why.


isnt voidgrubs broken on champs like hecarim tho? 2 fullclears plus grub is level 6 n you could make plays on bot or whatever with it


What he says: Reasons they are not worth taking
What I hear: “It’s too hard 😢😢😢”
Wuanngh wuanngggh take the stupid bugs


I might be saying total nonsense but i feel that even tho voidgrubs are a shit camp but their value is insane because it's in high demand. What i mean is everyone rushes to the camp and that makes it valuable. Since everyone likes the grubs so much this increases their value and like you said gives you the opportunity to trade it for a drake but it also open the door for a good team fight/collapse the mere fact of being present there could make the difference in the game. In other words it could be a coinflip but if nicely coordinated with your team could be beneficial even tho its rare in solo queue that you are coordinated with your team haha


Grubs grubs grubs 😵‍💫

P.s. so it's like a fun side quest that can help if done right


Finally someone with a brain on his shoulders, good vid


I disagree. voidgrubs buff last until end game. It increases your chance to win or turn the game around from loosing to winning, meaning probability of winning is increased to 1% with time. It will make infrastructure more vulnerable and easy to destroy. - as to source: The Voidgrub and Voidmite are neutral Monster icon monsters on Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift. Their camp is located in the baron pit. The Voidgrub camp consists of three epic Voidgrubs Voidgrubs. Every 12 seconds in combat, each Voidgrub will spawn a wave of four lesser Voidmites Voidmites.
Killing a Voidgrub awards gold Gold gold and Attack speed icon experience, as well as a stack of the Touch of the Void Touch of the Void buff to all team members. Touch of the Void Touch of the Void grants bonus damage over time to structures, and for each stack beyond the fourth, team members additionally gain the Hunger of the Void Hunger of the Void buff, which will summon allied Voidmites Voidmites to assist in taking down enemy turrets.


Incorrect, the first grub gives almost a level of xp.


You have to keep in mind that you can still take an objective if you can't contest the dragon, and while the xp might not be that good they're still great for taking early plates, I really like your channel, it's just too many hot takes you know? 😅
