Blockchains: Past, Present and Future | William Mougayar | Talks at Google

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The Business Blockchain charts new territory in advancing our understanding of the blockchain by unpacking its elements like no other before. William Mougayar anticipates a future that consists of thousands, if not millions of blockchains that will enable not only frictionless value exchange, but also a new flow of value, redefining roles, relationships, power and governance. In this book, Mougayar makes two other strategic assertions. First, the blockchain has polymorphic characteristics; its application will result in a multiplicity of effects. Second, we shouldn’t ask ourselves what problems the blockchain solves, because that gives us a narrow view on its potential. Rather, we should imagine new opportunities, and tackle even more ambitious problems that cross organizational, regulatory and mental boundaries.

Drawing on 34 years of technology industry experience as an executive, analyst, consultant, entrepreneur, startup mentor, author, blogger, educator, thought leader and investor, William Mougayar describes a future that is influenced by fundamental shifts brought by blockchain technology as the catalyst for change. William Mougayar has been described as the most sophisticated blockchain business thinker. He is a blockchain industry insider whose work has already shaped and influenced the understanding of blockchain for people around the world, via his generous blogging and rigorous research insights. He is a direct participant in the crypto-technology market, working alongside startups, entrepreneurs, pioneers, leaders, innovators, creators, enterprise executives and practitioners; in addition to being an investor, advisor, and board member in some of the leading organizations in this space, such as the Ethereum Foundation, OpenBazaar and Coin Center.
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55:03 "unfortunately there are speculators". Actually these speculators are the ones who help speed up the stabilization of the price. Without them we would not have seen the 1300:1 to 1:1300 in 6 years correction! Rock on all speculators!


Great talk to understand the blockchain. I guess its a must watch to understand the use cases and the basic applications based on crypto currencies.


Like in the present system, the Banks provide facility and add value in money conversions, what and how does the Blockchain add value if it enables direct transaction in a money transfer activity?


Great suit jacket! Nice material! Now I'm going to go eat kosher pastrami. Shabbos is over here in Indonesia.


What a concept, telling the government to innovate instead of regulate.


A lot of lessons have been learned #btc #ethereum #ripple #dao #nxt, the rise of 3.0 blockchain solutions is around the corner keep an eye out for the #wavesplatform


The blockchain is sensible because in essence it's a method of publicly displaying a contract whose veracity can be easily verified without requiring an intermediary.

Let's imagine Jim and Tom, who live in the same village, standing up at a town hall meeting and affirming that Jim was going to sell Tom his farm, signing a contract which they then tacked to a wall, and then exchanging a deed to the farm for the money. No intermediary is needed to vet the transaction because, let's assume, scores of local townspeople witnessed the two men publicly engage in the exchange. In other words, the blockchain is part of the current wave of disintermediation which the internet has enabled.

On the other hand, paper money and its cousin digital money are absurd on their face because they have no inherent value. Despite the proclamations of many supposed financial gurus, when it comes to financial currencies, inherent value is not difficult to define.

For thousands of years precious metals such gold, silver, and copper have functioned as effective currencies. Therefore, they have inherent value. The value fluctuates but that is irrelevant to this discussion. When the government changes the law or disappears, its paper currency typically loses all of its value (except perhaps its value as kindling).

Regarding the folly of bitcoin mining, merely because something is readily verifiable and difficult to obtain does not make it valuable.

Paper money, digital currencies, and extraordinarily overpriced diamond jewelry are all mere fads that will be sooner or later tossed into the dustbin of history. Communism and Freudian psychoanalysis were deemed to be part of a "brave new world" a century ago. Now they are seen as failed relics of a bygone era. They were unmasked as mere fads that were discarded once people tired of them.

Meanwhile, gold sitting in Spanish galleons on the bottom of the oceans will be valuable 1/2 a millennium hence as it was 1/2 a millennium ago just like farmland in Silicon Valley.


8:43 blockchain is a complication of business, technical, and legal innovation.


2+ years old this talk still relevant? Don't want to have to watch an hour long presentation to find out...


3:49 it doesn't allow to send cash, this is misleading
5:35 there is always someone in the middle but this someone is just a buch of mining operations distributed in a relatively decentralized netowork over the world. If there's enough consensus your transaction may not be transferred at all. For example a majority of Ethereum miners decided to change the past and remove uncomfortable transactions.
8:30 When you talk about Blockchain you have to be specific what to you mean exactly. When you talk about the network you should specify if you speak about the Internet or some internal netowork. It is important because a blockchain is a moving target in terms of qualities of immutability it provides.
10:18 of course it needs a database. Every node has to have a database with a copy of the blockchain. For example Bitcoin uses LevelDB or SQLite. The one ledger is an abstraction of a consensus algoritm that syncrhonizes these databases.
That's enough to me at this point for me. Sorry for a negative comment but please consult your talk with someone first. This kind of hype generation made a lot of people invest in snake oil just because it had a blockchain word in the tagline.


So is Google working with the blockchain?


No bank accepted cryptocurrency still, this is 2022 haha


Tell me...a layman, does block chain makes my life simpler or more complicated. Is it going make my activities cheaper or more expensive? Is it going to take more time or quicker to transact ??
All these no middle man in the middle is just BS. I will never believe it. I cannot see how it can be.
