My famous Apple Jelly (Jam) / Apfel Gelee ✪ MyGerman.Recipes

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If you cook this Apple Jelly (Apfel Gelee in German), your entire house will be wrapped in a wonderful scent of apple cider! Cinnamon, apple, and vanilla will be in the air and you will welcome Fall into your house like a beloved old friend.

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I was nearly finished with my apple peeling jelly when I second-guessed the plate method & remembered your channel. I gave a small happy scream when I saw that you had put in a cut-up vanilla bean, stick of cinnamon & some rum extract! WOWZERS!! Now THAT’S the kind of jelly I want to make & gift for Christmas!! I added them but wasn’t long enough to get a full-bodied flavor. But I will go to the Amish store next week & buy some more apples. Then we will do Apple Jelly, the proper German way!! Which is lovely, tasty embellishments!! Danke &
Gesundheit!! xo


A Excellent Video.. Highly Recommended.. Thank You Very Much For Sharing..


The Gelee Zucker they had in Germany made life so easy, everything all in the bag and already mixed. I made plum and blackberry jams, I tried grape too, but that didn't turn out so good.
I made the mistake ONCE of putting the Gelee Zucker in my coffee. I started making jam in the morning and since the bag of sugar was there I put a couple of spoonfuls in my coffee cup and thermos, it tasted a little funny, but it was OK. So I would slice some plums, take a drink, slice some more...after about 10 minutes there was clotting on the top of my coffee, kind of like cheese and I thought maybe the creamer I used was bad or something, but it was pretty new and smelled ok. I filled the jars with jam and then about 20 minutes later, I had to go, apparently, the Gelee Zucker had gelled everything in my entire digestive tract. and it wanted to come out. I wasn't painful, and when it was done, it was done. Probably lost like 8 pounds in 20 minutes. I was thinking about this I had just saw a Metamucil commercial and they have a graphic of how it goes through your digestive tract and pushes everything out and I thought, "I wonder if it is just Gelee Zucker."


Yay! I’m a canner so I’m definitely interested in German canning recipes. Thanks!


Endlich habe ich diesen Kanal gefunden. Meinen Gelee koche ich so, wie es meine Ururgroßmutter machte: Nur die Früchte und den Zucker. ich probiere nächstens zum Apfelgelee Zimt und Vanille zu nehmen, doch in jedem Fall auch Sternanis.


Wieder mal Danke für ein schoenes Rezept! <3 :) Gruss aus San Antonio, TX


In Portugal we make jelly with the skin. Exact same result and we use all of the fruit.


Hi Barbara so glad I found your site while looking for German recipes. This one looks so good and will try it. I am part German on my Dad side and have always lived German food but did not know how to make it nor my dad. I was wondering if you have a recipe for radish salat. My Dad and I both love radishes and ran across a recipe for it years ago but lost it.
Thanks for sharing authentic German cooking with us!


Lovely recipe, many thanks :) I usually make apple jam with cloves but I must try out your version :)


excitedddd..! Whoa, this is the first time I've ever waited for the release of a video on YT. We just knocked out the last of some pineapple passion fruit jam. It was devoured unexpectedly quickly. Of course, everyone claims they can only remember having a little. I guess we chalk that one to the ghosts. However, this might be the call for our apples. We were wondering how this might turn out using Red Gold apples? But first, I'm going to check your videos for apple strudel.


That is why my apple jams and butters have been so thick... I didn't need the Gelatins... 😆 still delish tho. Still. Soo glad to know these nuggets of info. Thank You 👍🙂👍


Have you heard of Christmas jam? Our local German bakery sells this store made item and I am looking for a recipe.


"Page does not seem to exist"
AND "Faulty Link" are shown
for the recipe link you have


I made apple jelly with only three ingredients (apple, sugar and lemon). 12hrs after storing it in the fridge, I am seeing two/three pieces of some white stuff and it's in pentagon shape😒😒. What could it be?


I just realised this was a recipe for JAM, I was thinking Jelly as in the water based wobbly dessert, not American jam/jelly. No wonder the recipe confused me. Having in mind German recipes, my mind wasn’t thinking American terms, ie Jelly vs Jam.


Equal parts sugar seems an awful lot especially as apple juice is already really sweet I would have thought.😱