Tobacco products how destroying our life: Dr Mangal Gupta #panmasala #dohra #gutaka #supari #gul

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#tobacco can harm our entire body.
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However, cigarette smoking causes more damage to the lungs in our bodies.
In our lungs, there are millions of air sacs called alveoli. When we breathe in air, oxygen from the air in our alveoli enters our bloodstream. When we exhale, carbon dioxide from our blood can enter our alveoli, and then it is removed from the body.
There are airways in our lungs that allow air to enter and exit the alveoli. These airways are known as bronchi. The lining of these bronchi contains mucus-producing cells. These cells secrete mucus. As a result, when we breathe, dust particles and microorganisms from the air become trapped in the mucus.
Furthermore, cilia are hair-like structures found in bronchial cells. These cilia are moving in a specific direction. As a result, the mucus produced is pushed upwards.
So that dust particles and germs attached to the mucus can be expelled from the body, And when this mucus gets close to the trachea, we cough it up.
However, when we smoke, we inhale around 700 harmful chemicals. These chemicals affect our entire body by entering our bloodstream. They also cause significant damage to our lungs.
Side effects of smoking come slowly. As when we smoke, the brown to black-colored harmful substance Tar enters our lungs. This substance is sticky in nature and causes inflammation in our bronchi and alveoli. Due to this immune cells start to accumulate in our alveoli.
These immune cells start damaging their own alveoli walls due to inflammatory response
As a result, the elasticity of the alveoli reduces. This condition is called emphysema. Because of emphysema, oxygen and CO2 exchange cannot occur efficiently in the alveoli. As a result, smokers experience fatigue, shortness of breath, wheezing, and suffocation.
Tobacco products how destroying our life : Dr Mangal Gupta #panmasala #dohra #gutaka #gul

Aside from that, smoking harms our cilia in the bronchi. As a result, the mucus formed in the bronchi cannot be expelled. Due to this smokers feels heavy chest. This condition is called chronic bronchitis.
This condition leads to frequent coughs. But still, mucus cannot be removed from the lungs. These two conditions coexist in cigarette smokers. These two illnesses are known collectively as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
Aside from that, smoking causes lung cancer. In fact, cigarette smoking is responsible for 90% of all cases of lung cancer. And if you have Asthma, Asthma is also worsened by smoking.
According to a survey, smoking is responsible for one out of every five deaths worldwide.
Hence smoking should be quit. Although the consequences of smoking on our lungs are mostly irreversible, we can still restore 20-30% of our lung ability by quitting smoking.
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