EXPOSED: Amway's 'Business of the 21st Century' Network Marketing SCAM!

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Say "no" to pyramid schemes. Say "yes" to personal finance.

(Voices are altered and names are bleeped out in the phonecall)
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I met the guy in gym and he took my info down

Had a zoom call and he asked about me and my goals and stuff and my first task was to read cash flow quadrant

2nd call talked about what I learned and went over the diff business models and then was given the book The Go Giver as a 2nd book to read

3rd zoom call I rejected going further

I had a feeling this was a fishy scam all along


I read the book and thought it was okay. The problem was that there wasn’t much substance in it. It came across more like a “go out and chase your dreams” type of thing.


YOU LITERALLY SAVED ME, I was sensing something wrong since the beginning but I thought what's wrong in reading a book and having some entrepreneurial discussions?
I stumbled upon your vid when I was looking for the audiobook, and thanks again mate, you are a saviour!!!!


I feel stupid for going through with the first meeting. I'm so glad I did my research. Thank you for exposing these vultures.


Thank you so much. Sincerely, from my heart. This book is right in my hands, given by someone using the exact same dialogue, down to the part of "wow, it's so good to see someone with an entrepreneurial mindset at your age." I'm not gonna lie, I'm sincerely disappointed, even though I had my suspicions. Had wonderful conversations with them, but they seem to be willing to give so much without wanting anything in return... All while not saying a single thing about their business. The similarity of the story is uncanny. Even the dynamic between the husband and the wife is identical. Honestly, I am wondering if they are not related or the same people. It's unfortunate because they seemed like really good and down to earth people.


Wow, I was fed the same bull by someone claiming to be getting great business help from their “mentors.” It’d be funny if it wasn’t so tragic how many lives this company ruins.


This woman approached me when I was working in a maternity clothing store at Mission Valley in San Diego in 2018. She told me she had just found out she was pregnant so I helped her try on clothes and she started chatting with me for about 15 minutes. She complimented me on what a great job I was doing, and brought up an opportunity for a mentorship. She asked me to get coffee a few days later, and I was skeptical, but I accepted. When I met with her she asked me a lot of questions, and then brought up network marketing. She gave me the same "Business of the 21st Century" book, wanted me to read it and meet up again. She gave off a weird vibe, and her lack of transparency was a red flag. I accepted the book, but also googled it, as well as network marketing and figured it out. She never bought anything from the store I was working in, and I realize now she probably wasn't even pregnant. Soooo weird.


Literally just had a meeting eerily similar to this 😱 Good thing I came to YouTube looking for the audio book 😂


I have never heard of Amway but I love reading and I read this book, as a law student I can assure you pyramid schemes are illegal and come to realize corporate America is a pyramid itself :0


Thank you so much for making this video!! I just had a meeting with two businessmen - it was eerily similar to your experience. They asked me to take lots of notes and had an impromptu interview with me as well. I was actually just looking up this book to find an audio version when I came across your video. Thanks for helping other young professionals from being lured into these types of scams!


"they earn $7k-9k per month and I make 500x more and I'm not exaggerating"

She's claiming she makes between $3.5 million - $4.5 million per month 😭😭😭 That would be $42 million - $54 million per year.

To put that ridiculousness into context... there are only 205 people in the United States who earn more than $50 million per year.


This is crazy I literally had a Zoom meeting yesterday with similar people who talked about their lives and also wanted to know a bit about myself and we chatted for about an hour and near to the end they were getting into the whole Financial Freedom stuff too and then they emailed me a PDF of this book which then lead me to find the audio for it but damn what a close call this is why research is key! 🔑


By the way, they ALWAYS ask you, "what stood out to you in that?"


The fact here is that these "mentors" try to help you out but when they are supposed to tell you about the different reliable multi level businesses that better suit your interests then they only mention "Amwey" cuz they would lose you as a potential associate in their net


OH MY GOD YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER! IT IS SCARY HOW SIMILAR OF A SITUATION I WAS JUST IN. Thank God I searched for the audiobook and found you!!


Damn you just saved me lol I went to get the audiobook while I handled my business & this popped up. It started with the meeting to watch the mentors talk on zoom, then reading the go-giver, then this book. Whewww it felt so genuine. Taking interest in my life & it’s funny because they give no details about the businesses they do. But thank you for this video.


This actually just happened to me, came to look for an audiobook version and I see this.


Literally just got a link from a “mentor” with the audiobook to listen to it


Yeah, this happened to me a few years ago in NYC. Lady on the subway just starts talking to me, I'm friendly so I think OK sure, let's get coffee next week. She spends half the meeting asking me about my life and then switches kind of randomly to talking about her "mentor" and how I can get financial freedom, etc. I'm skeptical but I agree to meet with her the following week and she gives me THAT DAMN BOOK. On my way out of the coffee shop, I saw another woman about my age with the book in her hand which is totally sketchy. I go home and Google it and of course, it's a scam. I didn't meet with her and threw the book away. About a year later I saw a couple in a coffee shop talking about the book and I asked them if they were given that book by a nice stranger. They said yes and I said RUN!


Same thing happened to me. I was going to see how far I could take it before they started to ask for $, but my wife told me to bail as quickly as possible lol
