New to ESO PvP? Watch THIS!!!

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Are you new to the elder scrolls online PvP scene? Great this video is for you as I walk you through how to make a successful PvP build for any class, role or character! Please make sure to like, subscribe and comment as it helps my channel grow!

0:00 Intro
00:38 PvP Mentality
01:30 PvP Gear
02:10 Defensive PvP Gear
04:55 Offensive PvP Gear
06:50 Best Gear Loadout
07:15 PvP Mythics
08:50 PvP Monster Helms
09:58 Optimizing Gear
10:25 Attributes & Stats
10:38 PvP Traits
11:15 PvP Skills
13:26 UI PvP Setting
13:35 Burst Healing
14:15 Damage Skills
15:25 Champion Points
16:30 Consumables
17:30 Misc
17:55 Outro

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Deltiasgaming the Elder Scrolls Online player & coach simple written guides for MMO, MMORPGs, walkthroughs, hints, tricks, builds, news and guides

#ESO #PvP #deltiasgaming
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Amazing video! I love how you break down literally everything and give potential alternatives and why youd take them. Thank you for all the work put into this!


The best tip I ever got in PvP: When in doubt just vigour+roll repeatedly with major expedition from any source, preferably bow. This is the best defensive maneuver in PvP and it will train you in knowing the flow of dodge rolling. In time you will do it with other abilities which imo is a very large part of the skill involved in PvP as well as LA weave, knowing when to retreat/regroup/block etc.

At least 4 well fitted is much recommended, you can also do it with magicka heals. If you learn to do it well on NB you basically cant die, any other class it improves survivability dramatically.


Very helpful video. I just started pvping as a healer a couple of months ago (small group open cyro) and this is very useful info for me. I’m running Grace of the gloom (heard about from you) and heartland with powered and defending (I’m pretty much a strictly support turtle outside of the occasional crescent sweep). I have MS which effects my reaction time, so I think I’ll always keep the training wheels Grace of the Gloom gives me. I still struggle a lot with blocking and roll dodging at the right time, but it’s getting better over time.


As a joke I actually started playing Cyrodiil because I had a writ quest that needed the Unchained Aggressor set. Ofc you could just get that in guilds but I thought that was boring.

Now it’s day 4 in my Cyrodiil “vacation” and I am so hooked in the PvP stuff. From dying almost instantly all the time to being able to last at least 5 seconds in a fight (lol) and finally being able to have nice, fun duels that can last minutes. Still dying a lot though but I can at least pull off a handful of 1v1s

Plus +1 for the video it helped me a lot!


I've been desperately looking for a new MMO to play, and PvP is the one thing that usually determines whether I try a game or not. Watching you PvP instantly made me want to play, and see what it's all about. Thank you!


This video was extremely helpful. I play 95% PVE so I struggle with PvP. After watching this I had my best game ever due to slight changes in my play style based on your feedback (sorc burst damage off streak) and some small stat adjustments. Awesome vid


Thank you for the great video, as a nonPVPer, it helps a great deal! Love the beginner pvp builds🙂


Ive watched a number of these type of videos by different content creators and this one is BY FAR THE MOST HELPFUL! It has tips gear ideas and why you want this gear and it all makes sense even for a newbie! Thank you for this video I can finally stop youtubing eso pvp basics now 😂


Just play templar or dk and u will do fine lol, easiest classes plus overpowered . Love your videos man you always do great work and are so respectful.


This will be really helpful to show to my pve friends. Will give them a good edge on this event, thanks a lot!


As a long time GW2 WvW player, just starting on ESO, ths video was VERY informative, thank you!
17:30 Also, great to see some elite PvP footage - THE BATTLE FOR THE TOP OF THE TOWER :D


You’re the best. I’m such a wimp when it comes to PVP. It’s nice to hear that it’s okay to be afraid and to work through it.


Best advice I can give to a new PvP player that actually wants to get good is to not zerg. Sure its fun as hell and can be a great starting point into getting used to things however you will not improve your own individual skill by zerging. I recall I used to feel 'scared' or intimidated when I was solo and saw an enemy player. I would try kill them and just die in a blink of an eye, I used to blame the build I was using or the class. The youtube video said it was good so why was it not working for me?? I started dueling a good player, 1v1, and I got destroyed over and over again for HOURS on end. No lie. After a while though you shake off that nervousness of PvP and you begin how to properly react in fights, how to use your skills, how to keep yourself alive. People think its so simple, like ofcouese you hit the heal button when low hp! But then what? You have no experience and you just fumble in the dark. Being in a big group will never make you learn what you doing wrong and you will not improve. Going solo is intimidating as fuck when you new but if you can find a dueling buddy and take some time, you will improve greatly and fall in love with PvP :)


Thanks. Always wanted to try pvp but had tons of questions that nobody I asked could answer. You covered everything I wanted to know in this video


Thank you delta! Hopefully you continue this series of beginning to pvp because I know my friends and I were clueless before this. Can you include some details like the buffs/ debuts you get in pvp zones still not quite sure what’s going on there


I've been running a Magplar PVP build with your guidance, and I feel like it's just not fair to other players when I play against them lol. Combined grace of gloom, war maiden, and engine Guardian. Battle grounds is cake, and I can fight high level CP players in Cyrodil too. I'm only 450 CP and killing those 1k+ CP players is so satisfying 😌. Planning to unlock antiquities after the event is over 👌. Thanks for your help and guidance!!!


You really make some awesome videos Deltia, got into eso again recently and it’s been a lot of fun


Thank you!! Awesome video and another one I will add to my list to point new PvP players to.

I love the way you advise tayloring the build to the person's own capabilities! My old fingers have a slower react time than they did even 5 yrs ago, doesnt mean I dont love my games, just means I have adjusted my play style.


Absolutely loved this video. Many things clicked. Great job!


Excellent video. And I couldn't help laughing at the line...."do you have quick reflexes? if not, how slow are you?" XD
And, by the way, that dark convergence/necro moment near the bridge was pure filth.
