David Hume the Father of modern Skepticism

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Great vid as always.

Ghazzali also denied causality in an attempt to disprove the thesis that religion (miracle) can be tested and/or consolidated via rational reasoning by distinguishing reason (not necessarily logical) from rationality (purely logical).

İ personally combine the Unity of Existence with the "God is absurd" law and reject the suggestion that the way existence functions, as a whole and as a matter of inner dynamics, is rational. Rationality of every epistemic concept is partial and this partial rationality only serves to justify one's submission to its -seemingly or else- irrational parts; whether it be the observance of the modern theory of science (assuming that 2+2 will always result to 4) or submission to a religion/philosophy (acceptance of miracles literally), or even the rationality itself :).

Rejection of causality is easily conceivable by the anyone (product of common mind) but a modern person is fed so many hypotheses and is so unfathomably lost in the details of causal process that we can't take a step back, as in, consider the hypotheses that we've been fed as fallible even if we wish to. Waking up->Realizing that you've been asleep->Waking up again->Realizing that you've been asleep even then->...

Was causality rejected by any Ancient Greek philosopher?


Well in my opinion, Hume is a philosopher who developed criticism rather than skepticism.
His philosophical ideas guide us to a dramatic review of our own beliefs and he gives us the final idea. Not just pure skepticism and nothing else to replace with the previous arguments.


I assume this only applies to the Theistic use of causality as a premise for the Cosmological/Teleological Argument. Because this doesn’t work in physics, the cue ball has momentum, and when it colides with another ball, Newton’s Law of Conservation says that the moving one acts on the one that is still, therefore the cue ball causes the other ball to move.
