Take my Netflix, but you’ll never take my avocado toast. #debtfree

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Seen today on FB:

"As a therapist I can say confidently, that while therapy is helpful, what most people really need is money."


"How dare poor people think they deserve entertainment and rest! They must work until their debts are paid! Of course they will never be paid because I keep exploiting them which is the only reason that I have any money, But that is beside the point."


Remember: in America, we believe that people who are poor should be miserable as a punishment for not having money.


Has the same energy of "why do homeless people have a phone?"


This is some Victorian energy - the undeserving poor cannot be permitted nice things.


You know shit getting real when he takes off his glasses that he never wears in his videos


Netflix keeps me at home and actually saves me money.


You have 8, 000 dollars in debt. Why are you buying food?


Budgeting is important, but we all need a little joy. I've tried to hardcore cut off all "unnecessary" spending. I'm talking plain beans and rice, heat on just enough not to freeze the pipes, no streaming services. Then one day I freaked out and bought an expensive rug.
...I have carpet. It was so stupid, but I learned a good lesson. If I let myself buy a $6 Starbucks drink every once in a while, it gives me a little serotonin and manages my mood. It doesn't need to be Starbucks for everyone, I'm just saying we all need something to look forward to.


I say this all the time when people Make fun of me for doing something like eating Chipotle when I live in low income housing. That's the only time eating out this month. I used to work at a Best Buy and I had a older lady come in who I was helping out and she said "well, if you kids didn't buy $1, 000 phone you could afford a house." And I remember telling that customer to her face "wow, I didn't know houses only cost $1, 000. That's incredible." I didn't even mean to say it out loud, but I did. She just stared at me, purchased my recommendation in silence, and left.

I still don't own a phone that costs that much. I have a Google Pixel 4a 5G that I bought in January of 2021 and have no intention of replacing anytime soon. The last phone I had before that was a Nokia Windows phone. I'm not any less poor. Considering that the median price of a house these days is 200, 000 plus dollars I sincerely doubt that is the issue.


Exactly. Why sacrifice the joy for such a small amount of money?


I love how he clearly tried to full his background with "smart" books and all he could think of was an encyclopedia set and one singular book by Carl Sagan.

You read those encyclopedias a lot, bro? How much did those cost?


Also buying all of those hours of after work decompression, family time, date nights, conversation material with friends.... a la cart.. so much more than $200/per year. Netflix is 100% the cheaper option.


Ugh. This. I have an upper-middle class friend who has been in that income bracket their entire life. My parents raised my siblings and me in a middle-upper middle class neighborhood, but we came dangerously close to bankruptcy and eviction a few times when my dad's company branch collapsed and he was working temp job after temp job before finally landing a 9-5 office job. I now live below the poverty line because of bad fortune and disability. I'm in debt. But god forbid I scrape together five or ten bucks every month and spend sixty on a new game once every few years or even fifteen once every few months on fast food or a Steam game on sale to comfort myself after a really bad day. I never talk about my finances with them anymore because I'm sick of them implying I'm in debt/irresponsible because I spend a small fraction of my tiny income on a nice, cheap thing now and again.


That’s the worst part. Having to go down to the credit card shop and deal with the snooty employees looking down on me and my change jar 😂😂😂


I once saw a tiktok that said: "If people guilt you for buying non-necessities in this economy, remember this, if it keeps you from killing yourself? It's a necessity for you. Have a nice day." And as someone constantly teetering on thin ice there I think about that every time I see a post like this guy made. Yes it can help to cancel subsriptions but not so much in the long run it's worth being miserable I personally like to make a point to chip at my debts constantly too but sometimes I just wanna spend 20$ on a gatcha game when I can


Netflix and the grocery store are my entertainment budget ... I don't have cable ... I can go to the movies ...popcorn and a movie from my couch.. I'm bawling lol


The "Why don't they just eat cake." Energy is high with that one.


I had a coworker tell me she was upset that she saw a mom picking up cigarettes and then bought her kid a slushy with a EBT card. I honestly was so shock of her statement I wasn't sure what to say. I tried to clarify what exactly was wrong with that and her response was her tax payer dollars shouldn't be used for that. -- a slushie 😥


99% of these “getting rich is easy if you hustle” guys entire message is “I can’t imagine not being rich so you must be the problem.”
