Guilt by Association? 2 views!

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Guilt by association can be looked at in two ways. One way is correct and the other was not. What does the Bible teach on this controversial topic?

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#guiltbyassociation #unequallyyoked #falseteachers #nar #falseprophets #newapostolicreformation
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Thanks for making the critical distinction between evangelization and cooperation.


I am surprised to see Brother Begg alongside Mrs. Moore. It’s troubling. Prayerfully it was a “one of” thing. He is so steadfast and sound in his teaching over these many years. Me thinks I shall make my judgement of guilt by association based on the many years of soundness and not the hopefully “one time” event. We shall see.


What are your thought on people like Piper, Ravi, Chan and others who speak at conferences with people that are false teachers? Would speaking at the same conference where there are false teachers speaking and not calling them out and rebuking them be wrong to do? Would it be considered partnering with them, promoting them, giving your stamp of approval of them if you do the same even and do not call out their error?


In my native language, which is Afrikaans, the word NAR literally means clown. That's so fitting.


Dear help me to break free from pornography and to warn people about the false preachers.


thank you LORD JESUS for your Spirit of truth wisdom and discernment and your living word ! Excellent explanation done in the utter Love and FEAR of GOD ! thanking JESUS for this Message and sharing is care ! Prays and watches


Lots of people are in unbiblical unions and they know it but “cry” the guilt by association card. Hob knobbing is very different than what Jesus did and what we are commanded to do.




I'm still wrestling with this issue. When is "happening to be at the same place as" changing into "cooperating with"?
Francis Chan is embracing Todd White, is that too much?
How about John Piper on the same stage as Bill Johnson?
Notice, both of these are already in your video!
Then what about John MacArthur who's still cooperating with John Piper? How long would that grace period be before we should either point out MacArthur is on error lest he himself points out Piper is in error?
What about Ravi Zacharias who endorsed Hillsong United?
There are very few big names left if we keep that going, should we then only listen to our local pastors?


Thanks for "guilt by association", but I feel I should publicly reply to Jim Yost. Jim we don't need to look for or pray for an end time outpouring. The Holy Spirit has come and now individuals receive it through faith in the Lord Jesus. 1 why do you believe you are in the end time and 2, why do you believe in another outpouring? You say it will be the second most important event in human history. Please don't wait for some cataclysmic event in the world or from the Lord to wake us all up. If you think Christians are weak, get alongside them and "feed my sheep".


Simply can't believe Elton John would agree to appear on the same platform as Rick Warren - what on earth was he thinking?🤔🙄😇


All of these associations; "unholy unions" serve one purpose to peddle God's word (2 Corinthians 2:17)..
2 Peter 2:1-‬3 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. AND THROUGH COVETOUSNESS SHALL THEY WITH FEIGNED WORDS MAKE MERCHANDISE OF YOU: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.


we then now have a problem with the whole strange fire group. they embrace John Piper who believes in Dreams and Visions and speaks at the Passion confrences along with Bethel and HIllsong music. they also had Matt redmen who is Joyce myers unoffical worship leader and the only person in the world that can play for the Cardinal that can teach the pope come and play and speak at the masters college chappel. In 2013 at strange fire he had JOni Erckson tada get in his pulpit and preach yes preach while giving her testimony to a mixed group. but tells beth moore to go home. but then we also have another problem John MacArthur refused to sign the ECT or Mahanttan decloration uniting Catholics and evangelicals yet Joni Erickson Tada was one of the signatories of this document by the way which now includes Muslims, Bahia's, Bhudddist, HIndus, Seveneth day adventists, and anglicans as well as catholics and the evangelicals that signed it in which JOhn Piper also associates with some of these evangelicals. So now then we have a problem with JOhn MacArthur, Todd Freidel, Bill JOhnson, Paul Washer, Steve Lawson, Sinclair furgeson, Justin Peter ( who now by the way has not changed his stance on cessationism) but in a back way is endorsing Doreen Vitrue after at the most being saved three years is now going to seminary and is a teacher on You tube, who claims she was saved at an episcipaliean church by seeing an image of Christ or actually a vision that conflcits with what happened with anyone who seen the resurected glorified christ

Not to mention JOhn MacArthur says it is not the blood attonement that saves us but just Chirsts death and he also teaches that one can take the mark of the beast and be saved in the any of these mean macarthur and the strange fire group is just as guilty as the nar


Modern Corrupt Bible Versions leave many Words out !!! MATTHEW 10:13 Says: Matthew 9:13 King James Version 13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, >> but sinners to repentance. <<


Is that guy in the center of your thumbnail you?


Have you seen the video of Ray Comfort with Andrew Wommack? If so, what are your thoughts?


As F4F refers to it, “poop stink theory”.


One night about five years ago right before bedtime I was sitting on the edge of my bed praying, and as I was finishing up praying I asked the Lord to please send the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As soon as I said it he spoke to me in my spirit and said "Many of my people are praying and asking me to send renewal. But when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes they aren't going to like it." He didn't say anything else, but he later gave it to me to understand that there are several reasons why they aren't going to like it, the first one being that it will be so unfathomably powerful that it will be so unlike the sweetsie-sweet and nicie-nice watered down and powerless parody of Christianity they've been being acclimated to for their whole lives long that they'll be afraid of it and many of them will reject it. Also because one of the major ingredients in the outpouring will be the baptism of fire which the Lord will use to dislodge people from their beloved idols, deceptions, and mediocre do-gooder agendas, and to clean them up morally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, which will be quite painful to many people. Also because the outpouring will expose where everyone is at spiritually, and most Christians want none of that.

The end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit will no doubt be many times more powerful than any previous outpouring (or maybe as powerful as all of the previous outpourings put together). I think the end-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit is going to be the second most important event in human history, second to the Lord's sacrifice on the cross for the sins of mankind, followed by his burial, resurrection, and ascension into heaven. I think the end-time outpouring (aka the "Latter Rain Outpouring of the Holy Spirit") will dwarf the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost 2, 000 years ago (aka the "Former Rain Outpouring of the Holy Spirit"), because that outpouring was the birth of the Lord's church, whereas the end-time outpouring will prepare the Lord's church for her marriage to him.

Plus it will usher souls to salvation in numbers unlike anything anyone ever imagined (per Hosea 6:3, Joel 2:23, Matthew 24:14, James 5:7, and Revelation 14:14-16, all in the King James Version). Plus it will strengthen those who stay with it to be able to endure the end-time persecution which the kingdom of darkness will roll out in retaliation against the outpouring, as is foretold in numerous verses of scripture (e.g. Daniel 11:33-35, Daniel 12:1-7, Matthew 24:9, Matthew 24:21-22, Revelation 6:9-11, and Revelation 13:7).
However, the persecution will be so severe that many who were blessed by the end-time outpouring and who were strengthened by it won't be able to endure the persecution and will fall away (as the Holy Spirit speaking through the Apostle Paul foretold in 2 Thessalonians 2:3), so that those who endure to the end will be those who loved not their lives unto death (per Revelation 12:11).

If you look around in the comments to the myriad of mundane religious videos on YouTube you'll see lots and lots of comments saying "I'm ready to go home." Not only do they not realize how incredibly selfish that attitude is, if most of them had any idea how un-ready they are to 'go home' they'd be appalled at themselves. When the end-time outpouring finally comes we're all going to find out just how un-ready we really are. The good news is that the Lord will use the outpouring to make us ready to go home (per Ephesians 5:27), painful as the process may be. This is the way I think it's all going to play out anyway.


Another great video. Thanks. This is a very deceptive time on all fronts of life. We must cling tightly the Scriptures in order to discern what is Truth...


Excellent teaching Sean
really helpful thank you.
God bless
