Maomao Loses It | The Apothecary Diaries

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Maomao lived a peaceful life with her apothecary father. Until one day, she’s sold as a lowly servant to the emperor’s palace. But she wasn’t meant for a compliant life among royalty. So when imperial heirs fall ill, she decides to step in and find a cure! This catches the eye of Jinshi, a handsome palace official who promotes her. Now, she’s making a name for herself solving medical mysteries!

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MaoMao clearly learned a lot from that Old Brothel Madam cause she was definitely channeling some Old Hag energy with that slap and lecture!


I loved how fast she went from a bulldog to a scared puppy in a second. It shows how much she cared to teach the idiots a lesson without taking into consideration who's in the room.


meanwhile Jinshi: "God I wish that was me"


The best part to me wasn’t just the voice acting. It’s Maomao noticing Jinshi still there. Nor does he stop her the whole time. He also uses the same words she had before finally allowed to do the job she was ordered to do.


As a medicine student I understand the feeling of see our patients or their family doing the things we ask not to do, she is a totally everyday mood 😢


"There are no thoughts in your head. You just think you know everything."
DAMN MaoMao.


Notice Maomao's expression at 2:02 when the lady-in-waiting starts crying. Before this she was furious, angrily calling the lady out for her idiocy (and for good reason). But when the lady stats sobbing Maomao's face softens and her tone is less critical though still stern. This confirms for Maomao and for us that the lady-in-waiting didn't do what she did out of malice—she just thought she was doing what was right. Knowing how women historically put beauty above their health, the lady-in-waiting was probably taught to be this way, which makes the whole situation more tragic. 

...but the slap was still deserved


For those curious on what the white powder is, it's lead powder makeup.
Originally made during the 18th century, during a fashion craze, where being pale was seen as beautiful or majestic.
However most people didn't know lead was poisonous at this time but that's why it was banned after the information was discovered


“I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. I’m just here to find out the cause of her condition, find the right medicine to counter it, and treat that bruise on your face.”
“What bruise on my face-“


Maomao's line "there are no thoughts in your head. You just think you know everything" goes so hard bc shes 100% right. If she really cared about her lady she wouldn't have risked it when hearing the powder is poisonous even if the statement came from someone below her. Its her own ego that she prioritized not her lady


I love when MaoMao becomes a brutally honest beast when it comes to doing right by her patient.


This was great, the voice actor went ballistic here.


Perfect example of "righteous anger". She got mad for the sake of Linhua who was slowly dying because of the ignorance of those who were serving her. After the slap, drag and lecture, the other ladies in waiting didn't dare crosss her. Especially since Jinshi didn't say or do anything to stop her.


[2:00] That subtle change in Maomao's expression when the woman suddenly realizes that she has been killing her lady through her ignorance, and Maomao's face goes from righteous rage to... pity? Brilliant animation.


I’ll preface by saying I’ve not watched this show or read it’s source material if it has.

The amount of detail in the character acting is just outstanding in so many degrees. It’s not just the animation or the voice acting, it’s the direction of this sequence that is making this as good as it is. It’s the direction and storyboards of this clip. I don’t even know who these people are and what are their stories, but I felt the fury in the girl and then the sheer regret in the makeup lady.

See you in 3 hours time to go binge

Edit: yeah it was way too good, even better than I was expecting lol


Not sure how well the title works: Maomao's anger is so frightening because she seems like she's actually still restraining it, and this is merely a hint of it. She's *not* losing it, she's composed, thinking clearly, and *still* laying out a physical AND rhetorical beatdown.


There are two things I love this part of the show:
One: Maomao has an inner dark side in her where it shows how serious she was when people don't listen to her. Plus, she gave straight up facts of the knowledge she knows behind the powder that the other ladies didn't. The scary face and tone gives me dead vibes like she has the blood of Tanya
Two: The voice actor (Aoi Yuki) who voices Maomao did a excellent job for this part. I'm very happy she got to play this show. I hope she gets to play other future shows.

P.S That slap thou was dopping awesome. It literally felt real I jump from that lol 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


That was... brutal. She's by far the shortest and skinniest woman in the room and she slapped the servant so hard it knocked her down, and then dragged her to the table.


THIS SCENE MADE ME LOVE MAOMAO EVEN MORE! She's trying to do her job, yet all the ladies there acting like they know better! Don't mess with Maomao!! SLAY MAOMAO! SLAY!!
