Rest Assured API Testing Session #23- How To Create POJO Class of Complex Nested JSON Object

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Rest Assured API Testing Session #23- How To Create POJO Class of Complex Nested JSON Object

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Links mentioned in this videos:

1) GitHub link for source code

2) Rest Assured API Testing Playlist

3) Rest Assured API Testing Session - 20 How to create POJO Class Of JSON Object

4) Link for Java Collection Framework

#pojo #CreatePOJOClassOfNestedJSONObject
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Your explanation is mind blowing mam, thanks for your useful video


Mam u r like my mother in teaching, u should get all glory, joy and happiness from god


Hi Mam, Really helpful video. Could you please kindly share the Json File for the practice? Regards,


Street value is getting Null in payload request because you have missed setStreet setter inside DemoNestedJsonPayload class.
