Command (Torah Portion: Tzav) 2017 - 2018

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We look at being washed in blood, when a day starts, why we need a temple to cleanse our flesh, the Book of Hebrews and tithing.

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thank you for continuing the teaching for us who follow online...the Torah Portion from this ministry is the delight of my week every week...YHVH bless and guide all of you... from your American sister


The spirit of G-d will lead us to truth but is undeniable real teachers are needed for us not to follow error. I’m new to Torah. I still have so much to learn after a lifetime of false teaching, preaching and errors. Thank you for today’s teaching


All your teachings are so heart felt. I am so glad for the teachings. And thankyou for the read along movie slides some times i have trouble understanding 😊😊😊😊😊


thank you for redoing the teaching for us...we appreciate your efforts


I would love to hear you do a parallel study on the priestly service and sacrifices in Leviticus and numbers and the tie in to the millennium kingdom of Yeshua outlined in Ezekiel chapters 40 through 46.I take it that the offering up will serve primarily to remove ceremonial uncleanness and prevent defilement from polluting the temple because at that time we will have the glorious presence of YHVH and Yeshua will once again be dwelling with us and sin will still be around until the end when sin and death is destroyed. We know that there will be both Spiritual glorified beings from the 1st resurrection and flesh people present there, so the purifying of the flesh will still be needed to draw near, or approach our King and God. These offerings will be made of free will and would be a gift we present to show our love of God. It also will be that as YHVH Said and they shall know that I am YHVH, proving that what he said in the beginning was true and he meant what he said from the beginning, proving his word is forever and true. I sure look forward to his kingdom to come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Have a blessed week and keep up the good teachings. Blake from north Texas.


Thank you for this teaching. I am sure y’all get a lot of flack for some of the stuff you call out. I praise YHVH for you and Charlie. You both definitely are gifted at explaining the Word. It’s amazing how Scripure interprets itself when you have a broad enough context to draw from as you said. Most (including myself) generally don’t have that broad context to draw from, and tend to overlook quite a bit which leads to all kinds of theories and guessing games. Thank you again. Blessings to y’all from NOrth Carolina.


Whoa, 3 hours!? Can’t wait! I’ll have to watch this tomorrow tho!


I have a question regarding the fat. When I make beef stock, and cool it, there is usually a thick layer of fat on top. Is that considered tallow? Also, just a heads up some restaurants fry stuff in beef tallow so usually you can check the ingredients online. Also, is the blood in liver kosher? Or is necessary to cook them until the are no longer pink?


how do you think the defilement of the flesh effects us day to day? or, how do you think life would be different now with un-defiled flesh and an earthly temple?


Have only recently heard the term "renewed covenant"...thanks for clearing that up. Also, as far as the tithing I had completely misunderstood thinking that every year I needed to put aside 10% for the Levites and 10% for the feast days and then another 10% every 3rd year for the poor. So thanks for clearing that up too. Am I correct in thinking we are to bring our tithe 3 times a year? First Fruits, Shavuot and Sukkot? I hate to think where I would be without my teachers! Thank you immensely to both you and Charlie for teaching us Yah's beautiful Torah!!!
