Indonesia Hakka & Malaysia Hakka

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Do you know where and "Hakka" are originated from? What are the differences between Indonesia Hakka and Malaysia Hakka? How many types of Hakka variants are there, and how do they sounds differently from each other?

00:00 Introduction
01:11 The origins of Hakka
03:10 Hakka in Indonesia and Malaysia
05:07 Variant of Hakka dialect
06:07 Hor Por Hak vs other variants

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Tionghoa Indonesian vs Chinese Malaysian
Hainanese History, Overseas Chinese Diaspora to South East Asia


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Hi everyone:) I actually re-upload the video due to a copyright strike from the BGM, so here is the new video with different background music! Sorry for the inconvenience, and I'd really appreciate you rewatch the video. kamsiah 🙏

Maaf sekali video in harus re-upload karna video semalam ada kasus copy-right strike. Ini video terbaru dengan background muzik yg lain. Minta maaf ya🙏


Young lady, I feel you are truly admirable, and thank you deeply for an interesting presentation on Hakkas. My grandmother was Hainanese, and my grandfather was Cantonese, but I grew up living among HoPo Hakkas. I am now over 75, and still mesmerized by all our Chinese dialects! Thanks so much.🥰🥰🥰


Hakka is also very well known for their role in politics. Most notably:
1. Singapore Late PM Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 2. Malaysia’s Yap Ah Loy and Cheong Fatt Tze,
3. Indonesia’s Ahok and
4. not to forget Thailand’s former PM Thaksin and Yingluck Sinawatra.

Seeing that you are somewhat keen on Hakka and their storied past, you might really want to visit these two places in Jakarta:
1. Museum Hakka in Taman Mini
2. Museum Pustaka Peranakan Tionghoa in Serpong area :)


Being a Malaysia Hakka (Moi Yan Hak) truly appreciate such effort to spread awareness about our roots, keep up the splendid work!


Thanks for the video. I call myself Moiyan hakka. Years ago I followed my father to visit his village in Pontianak and Singkawang where he was born. He migrated to Singapore when young. Now I am in New Zealand. Guess I have the hakka genes that made the migration. My mum was also hakka, we had the opportunity to visit her ancestral village in Meizhou.


Hey, I’m 葉惠玲, . My ancestors are my meizhou, China, but when I visited meizhou, Though Hakka was quite similar but some words aren’t pronounced the way we used too. I’m Hakka born in India(印度)Initially there were more than 20, 000 Hakka families in India, mainly in Kolkata, but most of them migrated to the western countries for a better standards of living . Now there’s barely 1000 Hakka in Kolkata .
Really appreciate this content of yours, it makes me feel so blessed to be a Hakka.


"Dimana ada matahari, disitulah ada orang China" this my dad quote to me when I am young and after 30 over years now I heard again from your video...


I am very impressed by your youthfulness and enthusiasm about our Hakka ancestry. People like you are who we will depend on to keep history alive.


Thank you for making this great video about Hakka. My father was from Hopo 河婆。I was born and grew up in Vietnam, where Hakka was just a ‘minority’ in the Chinese communities there. I watched videos about Hakka people in Singkawang 山口洋, and found that they speak very much like how my father spoke it. I would like to visit these Hakka communities in Indonesia and Malaysia someday.


Best explanation of Hakka history and culture I have ever seen. Terima kasih!


Thank you for showing our heritage. I'm Hakka too, born in Jakarta, of a Mei Zhou descent.

Kami sangat menghargai video anda buat mengerti warisan kita.


I am an indonesian hakka to be exact west borneo hakka people. I just came across your channel and find it really interesting. Thank you for uploading this video. You got yourself a new subscriber. Keep up the good work


Very good! Great to see people like you promoting Hakka culture! I am Hakka too! And always feel proud of being a Hakka


i didn't know my family have any relationship with Hakka until recently I found out that my late grandmother was Hakka originated from Guang Dong. With hindsight, i only realise that the family recipe from my grandma is actually a Hakka dish.


In my village (Pontianak, close to Singkawang) in a quite remote place almost everyone there use Hakka (Khek) for daily communication


Grew up in Kuching, but born in Bintangor, and now living in the U.S. for 41 years, I find your video and presentation so interesting and fun to watch. Thank you for you good work!


I am a Kar Yin Chiew hakka from Penang. My father used to bring me to his Hakka association when I was small to mix around. It is good to know the young members of the association are keeping the dialect alive through various activities such as hakka singing competitions etc.


As a Hakka who grew up in UK (HK/Huizhou dialect), I love to hear people people online speaking our language. Well done 👍


You are so young and yet you can produce such comprehensive video, 👍
I am also Hakka, I support you!


Grew up in Sabah. My mom is Chinese, my Dad is Native. Hakka is the daily conversation for most Chinese here, the same goes for the Sino, where Hakka with a thick local accent and a combination of local dialect and Malay. My Chinese side originate from KL thou, My grandfather is Hokkien who is fluent in Cantonese but not Hokkien and my Grandma is Cantonese. My Mom grew up speaking Cantonese, besides English and Malay. In my case, I am surrounded by Cantonese, Mandarin and Hakka speaking. But being a Sabahan mix-child again, not fluent in 3 of them as I have a habit to mix the 3 Chinese Dialects in 1 sentence + sometimes Malay and English languages. That's the struggle when meeting Chinese speaking from Taiwan and China, which cause them some confusion of my own Chinese language.
