re: Adam Ruins Everything - Why the Myers-Briggs Test is Total B.S.

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This is about par for the course for the Adam Ruins Everything videos. He takes on the persona of a nerdy, arrogant know-it-all for comedic purposes and for punch("I may be annoying, but I'm right!") but his actual level of knowledge on any given subject is on the level of anyone who has a smartphone and can read wikipedia. If you want to take on an arrogant persona thats fine, I respect that, but be someone who actually reads books.


Great video. This is an example of why I stopped watching Adam Ruins Everything. I stopped watching when he did his very irresponsible video on hydration.


This is as silly as Adam's video on this test.
The Myers-Briggs Test is about as valid as reading your horoscope. Yes, he doesn't do a very good job of explaining this especially if you watch only the teaser trailer and yes the way he goes about it seems sexist and ignorant it's true the test is BS. It may have been the best BS at the time, but it's still not a valid test today. It is essentially a fun parlor game or a way to have fun like horoscopes. I could go on and on about how the types are vague can fit anyone and devised in a way much like horoscopes so they will fit the people taking the test specifically at that time, or point out how psychologists and scientists themselves have stated this test is garbage by giving a ton of facts and links, but no one really gives a shit and if they do that stuff is easy to find.

The test it'self is flawed. People very often get entirely different results each time they take it, especially if any time has passed between their taking of it. The results are flawed because the categories themselves have issues. If the test cannot produce consistent results over 50% of the time and regardless the results of the test have multiple issues with validity, comprehensiveness, or independent then it isn't a very good test now is it?

Like Adam who makes fun of the people who made the test, who at their time were ahead of the pack, to prove his point, you to attempt to say the test is good by talking about Adam. -eye roll-

Of course, the point of your video isn't about the test at all, it's about getting views by spewing hot air which is fine, but it's also exactly what Adam did. LOL


The "validity" of the Meyers Briggs is irrelevant to making decisions for any one individual. The scoring is based on median splits, not parametric distributions, and thus is lacking in precision for truly making useful distinctions for individuals. It is, however, useful in demonstrating that "people are different, " something that most people already know.


The MBTI is notsuperior, it's just convenient. The only personality assessment that has validity is the Big 5 system.


You didn't even watch anything except the teaser video, you goob. 😂


Personality community already is skeptical over the MBTI test. Compare the cognitive functions instead!


Thanks for this! Here's my post on his Facebook post of his video:

'Jesus that was soooo bad, vaguely sexist, arrogant, and contradictory.

The guy half-studied the thing, made huge leaps, and logical fallacies. The whole emotions = Feeler thing is not accurate. Feeler means that when you make decisions that involve others you take into account how it affects them. Also, in the beginning he Poisons the Well against Jung then calls him back at the end as an expert witness.

Also, does someone need to be a scientist to do science? Does something need to be scientific to be useful? Fuck no. Ugh. So. Bad.'


I'm sorry, 4 of the 5 dimensions? I never understood how people could accept theories that dumb down human intelligence and behaviour into single digit categories. Do you truly believe we are that simple?


pretty much adam ruins everything is ruined! :D


Damn. Now i have to watch the toxic music video again.


To respond to many of the comments. A lot of folks blame the test, when in reality we need to look at human error when taking the test. Answering questions objectively about the self is hard to control. However, there is a lot of practical, applicable use in MBTI for the individual when making interpersonal realizations that therein inform our decisions. MBTI explores our process, not our behaviors, and many of these comments show how people misunderstand what MBTI even is. They’re fooled by the descriptions that MBTI test givers give. The descriptions usually denote commonalities in behavior, which is more palatable and “digestible” to people than what those descriptions are actually implying. Hence why they give the descriptions they do for each type.

Now, if we are, in fact, talking about the test itself (you know, the questionnaire itself), then we can easily point out flaws. However, MBTI is capable of being understood without a test, and people put too much emphasis on the test, it’s questions and the descriptions thereafter, when none of those things are the psychological theories themselves. They imply and indicate the theories, but are not the theories themselves. This is why people are capable of typing one another accurately, unlike astrology which is behavior based. Though you’ll notice that some people try to type people based on behavior, and this is an indicator that they don’t understand MB personality type. They’ll only sometimes get it right, unlike those who are actually keep on figuring out how people process the world around them.

Of course, to those who don’t understand, this will all seem like a bunch of MBTI jargon. But if that’s the case, I suggest looking deeper both within yourself and in the theories therein.


Unfortunately Pseudo Intellectuals like Adam are Popular and since people prefer entertainment rather than Logic all day, they will accept his so called arguments.

I think many of the Jung's ideas are right, but since they are about non materialistic subjects, they are not well received among academics and within our current paradigm of reductionist materialism, they are taboo subjects.

Jung's type theory requires a paradigm shift to get attention and we are currently within that shift, As a Theoretical Mathematician who hangs out with a lot of Quantum Physicists, i can say that both Theoretical Mathematicians and Quantum Physicists are the most Open minded type of Scientists and we are doing our best to make that paradigm shift happen.

I think Jung's type theory is one of the subjects that will get more attention in the future, i hope sooner than later.


every human is individual there is not one exactly alike in the world so it is impossible to say there are personality groups when every one is different. Some time I act differently based on the atmosphere or the other people I am around you can't possibly predict a person's actions based on a personality test when ppls personalities change and vary so much from one minute to the next. that is also why I feel zodiac signs are full of crap as well.


Isn’t the Myers Briggs different every time you take it?


Perhaps Adam Conover's representation of MBTI is oversimplified and his argument is unscientific. Indeed to say that a test is COMPLETE B.S. is a stretch--there is something *useful* in every theory. However, I would say that IDRlabs is not free of the crime of misrepresentation either. I find it hard to believe that a company whose website's main source of content is based on theories by Myers, Briggs, and Jung will represent everything they do transparently.

Clicking one of the links in the video's description will take you to an article on the IDRlabs site. There, you can browse around and find out.


Lead psychologists, psychiatrists, psychometricians, personality theorists and cognitive scientists all believe Myers-Briggs is complete bull so i don’t understand the amount of butt hurt in this comment. ARE is sometimes misleading but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.


There is more in the full episode than what was shown in the preview. I suppose this is a reply to just the preview and not the full episode's contents on MBTI. Please do a review on the full content (relating to MBTI)


I watched some of Adam's videos and from time to time he can make a good point - but his arrogant, know-it-all, attitude makes him unpleasant to watch and agree with. Especially since in his videos he has decided he's right and only provides evidence to support his bias.

It should be relabeled Mansplaining: Starring Adam
