Did The Early Christian Church have a POPE?!

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In this video I answer another protestant objection about the early church and the papacy.

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As a former protestant, I have this to say to them. When Paul had a question of doctrine, he went to Peter and the Apostles. Peter was always the leader of the group, as seen at the day of Pentecost. It was Peter that Jesus told to feed his sheep. Peter is always seen in a leadership position of the first Church after the descent of the Holy Spirit.


Love the Video, I am protestant but becoming Catholic soon. God bless you all. The reason for my conversion is because you see a lot of division in the non-demonational Church. I was generally confused why everyone had there own interpretation of scripture. So I read some history about the early church fathers and was led to the Catholic Church. I am fully convinced this is truly the Church Jesus Christ has founded. Glory to the Father and to the son and to the Holy spirit .


Good one. You covered most of the arguments I wanted to know about.You should write this down as an article somewhere. God bless you.


The kinds of "arguments" Protestants use for these issues (I'm a Protestant) sound a whole lot like atheist arguments. "No evidence until 180 AD" is extraordinarily close to the event in ancient history. As a comparison, the earliest extant record of Alexander the Great is 400 years later. That is NOT evidence against anything. It just so happens, the more time goes on, the more and more historical records are created about major events and figures, and the more likely archaeologists are to find one of them many centuries later. If they find several, independent ones this is almost unheard of.
The fact that someone in Christian history as profound as St Irenaeus literally listed them all is irrefutable evidence in my opinion.
Thanks for this info, I did not know.


What a great video. Fantastic job, total respect on the research.


I am a former protestant that became Catholic last year. I have other protestant friends that are more curious about eastern orthodoxy because they don’t believe that the bishop of Rome had primacy.


I’m focusing on the Papacy on my journey back to the faith, and this is exactly the topic I need to hear more on. Thank you 🙏🏽


What I love about the Papacy is that it acts as the pastoral caretaker and protector of every church, liturgy and rite that has existed from early Christendom. No other institution on Earth is doing this, nor has any other done better to reunify all the churches separated by centuries of schisms. It also makes sense to have a hierarchy anyway since throughout scripture it clearly indicates that Peter was given a primacy level of attention and authority by Christ not given to the other apostles. We humans naturally organize and administer ourselves accordingly and the early church 2000 years ago was no different.


I’m active LDS and am investigating the catholic faith. If you ever do any response videos to the Saints Unscripted channel that would be awesome! They have a few about the Great Apostasy and the need for a restoration that I would be curious to hear your take on.


Clement is also named dropped in Philippians 4:1-3 Paul says his name is the book of life 🤷‍♂️ to further drive home that Clement opinion is authoritative.


The 1st pope was St Peter, this is well documented . Strange that the people who reject the papacy are inevitably their own pope, and ultimately their own god, and they will say what they believe or not, what is or isn't. .


May Jesus bless you and thank you for your videos on defending the faith.


In refuting the Protestant claim by default you disprove Protestantism.


In fact Jesus Himself was the first Priest of the First mass in the History : The Last Supper (See JOHN, chapter 13). He consecrated the FIRST EUCHARIST, the first Priests (the Apostles) and the first CHURCH (building) of the History. He Loved His Mother (exactly as a catholic does), He Loved the SAINTS (his APOSTLES) and himself consacrated the First SAINT of the History (The Peninent Thief). And He had an important personal prayer as every catholic have or must have.


In Clements letter to James, Clement stated he was the immediate successor of Peter. Not Linus. Why?


Peter was over all the Church. Clement was too, right after Peter, while John was alive.


Ignatius_of_Antioch — Letter to the Magnesians 2, 6:1
He is also responsible for the first known use of the Greek word katholikos (καθολικός), or catholic, meaning "universal", "complete", "general", and/or "whole" to describe the Church, writing:

Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not lawful to baptize or give communion without the consent of the bishop. On the other hand, whatever has his approval is pleasing to God. Thus, whatever is done will be safe and valid.


Pope Voice Face for the next conclave 🙏😉


You mentioned Ireneaus. Book 3, chapter 3 he lists Peter and Paul, not Peter alone. Then the blessed apostles (plural) committed into the hands of Linus the episcopate. Paul mentions Linus in the Epistles to Timothy.

Could Linus be a Pope while Peter and Paul were still living?

Later Anacletus and then Clement who was allotted the bishopric. Can you clarify this for me? Was Clement the first bishop?


Can we get a video on St Ignatius of Antioch?
