NWS vs ALL - 2014 World Championship Groups C and D D2G1

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For game stats, go to the NWS vs ALL match page:

Yeong-jin “Save" Kaek – Top Lane
Jae-geol "Watch" Cho – Jungler
Byeong-jun "Ggoong" Yu – Mid Lane
Jae-min "Zefa" Lee – AD Carry
Beom-hyun "GorillA" Kang – Support

Mike “Wickd” Petersen – Top Lane
Ilyas “Shook” Hartsema – Jungler
Henrik “Froggen” Hansen – Mid Lane
Erik “Tabzz” Van Helvert – AD Carry
Patrick “Nyph” Funke -- Support

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18:00 - Picks / bans
25:25 - Start game


did not feel like the ALL team we came to know during EU LCS. Tabzz had too many positioning mistakes, and Froggen was rendered irrelevant mid to late game. The fight at 1:03:12 minutes was the best example; NWS backs off tower push, ALL moves forward, without vision! and chooses to initiate a fight and Riven comes in freely from behind to split ALL up and ultimately ending them. TF going all in  on trist when she had both summoners was a big mistake, gave enough time for Lulu to show up. ALL should have reset after that push, warded up and then fight. That could have been their only chance at winning that team fight. that's my two cents. 


Go Alliance! You can still make it out of groups.
Those Watch's cheekbones tough *-*


so cute - "Tristana gets the speed boost from Lulu..there she goes, running as fast as her little Yordle legs can carry her". haha! LoL Esports Thank you for the uploads! i'm on a binge


Yes! riven was picked i am sooo happy :)))


I was waiting for that Lulu pick for Zilian.  It was my answer to it and cool to see it work albeit a near thing.  Was really smart for Alliance to change it up and put him sup.


Nyph let them down hard, I was gonna say at first him not getting cdr boots on Zilean is a problem, but it doesn't really matter because his ultimates were terrible anyway (He didn't even use it on 2 seperate occasions in the last fight)

Wickd played really well on the other hand and I felt he was the only one that understood their opportunities were disappearing as time went on (Hence why he was jumping in trying to create something a lot of the time)


We've seen plenty of Trists lose the game before they get to scale. ALL had the chance to end the game quickly, but Tabzz did absolutely nothing in this game. I can't remember a single time when he grouped with his teammates and tried to push down an inner or inhibitor turret. Froggen and Wickd managed to push down some towers, but it wasn't enough pressure to make NWS stop applying their own pressure. It was also pretty ridiculous that the mid outer turret was left there for over half the game to give NWS free vision and map control... ALL never made NWS lose complete control of the game and they paid for it.


This just shows how broken Tristana is


Did najin not go over to shake hands with ALL?


I feel like Nyph had a lot to do with that loss. I can forgive some missed ults in a chaotic c taught, but he got caught a lot!


Sjokz says "furder" so adorably.


Nothing got to do with the game, but why is he Peter one day and Yiliang the next, each time Doublelift is on the analyst desk.


Igual que kabum le gano a pex en la willcard dando full escudo al adc :v


Poor supports still getting no credit btw.  All those beautiful Thresh hooks were the only thing that kept them in that game.  If those early ones had been followed up it wouldn't have been so close.


This is really, the best what EU have? All sux hard.


Alliance doesn't have adc. Even Froggen was fed and Wickd was so really good at the early game, they couldn't carry because Tabzz sucks. Look at the difference between Zefa and Tabzz. Shield only had Zefa and they won the game. lol


All really didnt play that too well mid game but you have to be very good to at least get a lead over a korean team early game.
And i really liked tabzz lucian build. Aaaaah good old itemmeta :) but it is weaker cause ie is pretty much broken right now and i dont know why he went bt and botrk instead of ie...
But who understands the pros


ALL were doing really good. But then thresh started hooking everyone, destroying them. NWS's support was so good, and Zilean was simply useless late game for ALL.


Fucking trist. Good thing riot said they know they need to nerf her more in recent patch. I think they should lower jump range...make it not to damage...and increase cd. She can deal as much damage as kogmaw if not more and shes mobile. But NWS had strong scaling and ALL just fell off late game.
