Linda Ronstadt: A taste of home

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Singer Linda Ronstadt has always done the unexpected. And now, the woman who admits that she can't cook has put out a memoir that is focused, in part, on traditional Sonoran recipes from her childhood. She talks with correspondent Tracy Smith about her book, "Feels Like Home: A Song for the Sonoran Borderlands."
#lindaronstadt #sonoran

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I’m so glad she’s still with us, she may not be able to sing, but she still has wit & a sense of humor!


Let's all face it: Aging sucks! I have lost 99% of my closest relatives--including my mom over the past 18-years. It's really gotten lonely without them. The holidays are not the same anymore; however, I am still here trying to make the best of a dystopian future in America that none of us saw coming a decade ago. God bless you, Linda. I've always loved your music even as a child of the late 60s-1970s.


Nobody could sing like Linda Ronstadt. The last notes of Blue Bayou still gives me chills whenever I hear it. Her voice was always so clear.


I grew up on Linda Ronstadt's music. Such a beautiful voice. So sad how disease ends up robbing people.


40 some years ago, her beautiful, clear and pure voice accompanied me during those difficult years of trying to adjust my new life in America. I was just learning the language then. I’m grateful for her.


It is sad to see she cannot sing like she used to. But at the same time, through her eyes, we see beauty. We see passion. She still has that sparkle. And nobody can take those away from her.


Without question, one of the most beautiful, powerful voices of my generation. And the fact that she has remained so positive and kept her grace and sense of humor in the face of such adversity makes me love her even more. She is a brilliant, remarkable woman!


Linda Ronstadt is a national treasure. She entertained us and gave of herself for so many years. Thank you for doing this update on her. We wish her the best.


I remember sitting next to Linda in court in 1966 we were both getting our Capital record contracts approved because we were too young and needed the court to protect us
She was shy beautiful and innocent
I will always remember her smile
And many times seeing her recording with the Stone pony’s
Our producer Nick Venet would call her his Little Angel
Love you always Linda


Linda took a whole generation to an incredible journey with her music. Thank you very much!


She may have lost her singing voice, but she sure has a sense of humor!!!!
She has been a favorite of mine since Stone Pony's!! Love her! and thank you Ms Linda for your all of your music talent!


She was the total babe and had the world's best voice. All of us guys her age in the 70's were head over heals for her. Such a woman.


Linda, you were once the greatest singer on this planet. Your fans who love you will always keep your music alive and remember, you’re unforgettable! ❤


Her Spanish language albums are masterpieces. Flawless Spanish. Flawless singing. Bravissima!


One of the best female singers in history. Prayers for you sweet


One of the things I admire is when artists can cross over to other genres. She succeeded in this multiple times. And as an author. Many talents. She was a soundtrack to our lives.


Linda is the greatest female singer of all time. There was nothing she couldn't sing and she sang every genre. I pray you have peace and comfort in the days and years ahead. Thank you for your contributions to all of us.


Thank You for the story. My generation is aging and losing the connection. Linda is ours and we are blessed to have her even today. God bless her.


Thank you Linda for your music. You have no idea what your music means to our family. When my Mom passed away about 2 weeks prior. She gave my oldest brother and I your Canciones de Mi Padre cassettes. She told me these are the same songs my father loved. I could not listen to your tape for about a year because all I would do was cry. My children ages 1 & 5 thought everyone was supposed to cry when listening to Canciones de Mi Padre. Anyways I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is the most beloved music of my life. We will keep you in prayer. If you have a fan club address please share. 🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹


Like Barbra Streisand and Whitney Houston, Linda Ronstadt was blessed with an amazing set of pipes!!! So very thankful that they all blessed us with their incredible, God-given talent. They are to contemporary music what Beethoven and Mozart were to their time. They all had pure, natural talent without their voices being manipulated by the technology being used currently in today's music industry. Linda Ronstadt has always been one of my favorite female singers. I remember loving her voice when she was first starting out with the Stone Poneys in the '60s.
