#06 Creo Part Modeling- Volume Helical Sweep Command

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#MdDesignAcademy #CreoTutorial #Creo #Design #Drawing #CreoModeling

In this video tutorial we will learn about following under Part Modelling:
~how to remove solid material by sweeping a revolve object along a new helix using Volume Helical Sweep Command.
~through this command we will create one hexagonal Bolt used in industries.

Follow the link to watch complete Creo Parametric tutorial's on:

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Creo II Creo Tutorial II Creo Part Modeling II Creo Part Module II Creo Tutorial for Beginners II Creo Parametric II Creo Part Modelling II
Рекомендации по теме

In creo 2.0 don't have option volume helical sweep
