Why Bob Loves Linda | Cupid's Couples Series

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Bob Loves Linda for so many reasons. Like most things, it goes deeper than you may think. Lets Explore!

Intro 00:00
Bobs Childhood 02:53
In Comes Linda 08:30
Conclusion 18:00

A HUGE Thank You to the Bobs Burgers 🍔 compilation Youtubers 💜 You guys make my videos a million times easier to make lol
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Thank you for watching! I wanted to add some info I found out about Bob's mom in a recent episode. Her name was Lily Belcher and she died when Bob was around 11 years old. So this confirmed he was a preteen when his mother died. I just wanted to add that. Hope you enjoyed this video!

P.S. I said Lena but I meant Leela. I said her name from memory and said her name wrong by mistake. My bad lol


I love the moment where Bob sleeps in the basement to avoid Linda's kicking. And a few nights in when Linda says she wants to come down and visit Bob says yes and gets nervous about "Linda coming over." As if he's a teenage boy again.


I loved the episode where Bob realized she had a whole life within the community he was unaware of…You could see how much it made him love her all the more ❤


I grew up with the Simpsons and when I started watching this, my gosh was it so refreshing to see Bob and Linda actually being loving and supportive as well as the siblings loving each other as well. It is such an amazingly written show


This video keeps reminding me of my favorite interaction between the two:

B: Lin, I had a bad childhood.
L: Ya, I know.
B: You knew!?
L: Ya. People who had good childhoods don't stand like that.
B: Hmm.


Not me trying not to cry at Bob’s mum wearing the colours of the kids 😂😭


Linda is also responsible for the books. Shes the one keeping the lights on and what's necessary ordered. She's smart!! Just a carefree outgoing woman


I really thought I was the only one comforted by this show. Whenever my anxiety starts to get the best of me i put it on. I’ll have it running in the background all the time.


Bob and Linda are serious couple goals and I love your analysis of why he's drawn to her. Like some media will go "men always marry their mothers" and make a joke out of it (he's henpecked, he wants to be waited on), but this is the first time I've heard of a man going for someone like his mother *because of the type of person his mother was*. A free spirit, supportive, encouraging. And YES to them never cheating or being tempted. The Dr. Yap episode was just a zany scheme and it became clear WHY it was such a bad idea, lol.

And yes, on the surface it LOOKS like the usual "zany wacky husband, sensible grumpy wife" trope switched the gender roles, but...not really. Linda runs on pure id and Bob tries to be the only sane man, but Linda can be damn sensible and grounded when she needs to be and Bob has done plenty of zany things! The difference is they get to take turns.


Bob and Linda is what happens when an extrovert adopts an introvert, got married, and had kids


How does everyone not love Linda, she’s literally the best. She’s got some of the best lines. She and Gene are the most quotable characters. She so fun and brings so much energy and silliness. She’s such a good mom too!


Remember when she thought bob was gonna kill teddy and she was just like um I guess so let’s do it 😂😂😂


She was onboard with going on the run that one episode where she thought Bob killed somebody, the cow episode I think. Didn't question it at all, that's a wife right there 😂


Bob & Linda = animated couple goals


Linda Haters just don't understand that not everyone are a stale potato mash like them


What solidified their relationship as realistically perfect was when they had a valentine's day episode. In a normal sitcom the husband would be thoughtless and imho callous about how he chooses a gift (if he chooses one at all) for his wife. Bob, contrarily, knows EXACTLY what Linda wants (to learn to salsa dance I think). The antagonistic force isn't Bob's inadequacy, but environmental factors. Even though he ends up learning another kind of dance, Linda still loves it and he still works his butt off to accomplish it. It blows my mind how much they love each other, and how good of a man Bob is as both a husband and a father.


The crazy part is that Bob didn’t exactly realize that he acted almost EXACTLY like Big Bob, in terms of pessimism. This is best exemplified in the episode where Big Bob takes the kids to the wharf and Bob nearly has an anxiety attack believing that Big Bob will “ruin” the kids with his bleak outlook on life. It isn’t until Louise calls him out for doing the same thing that Bob realizes.


Bobs Burgers is like the realization of this quote i once saw about the origional adams family tv show, where a child said that what they loved most about it was not the spooky themes, but that the mommy and daddy characters gomez and morticia genuinely loved one another.

I feel like bobs burgers is kind of the modern sucsessor to that niche, only arguably doing it better, because it doesnt rely on the implication of needing to be wealthy eccentrics who have separated themselves from the opressive status quo in order to have parents that dont fight all the time and dont have a begruding tolerance additude to their kids.


This is really cool, Bob and Linda are really one of my favorite people not only people but Couple. They are very sweet and understanding with each other, it’s really nice to see.


Well... now I'm crying.
Love the insights about Bob's mother. Bob and Linda are my favorite tv couple, I want to be them.
