What Happened in Syria is SHOCKING & No One’s Allowed To Talk About It

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You won’t see this on BBC or CNN

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"You know what also died in Gaza? The Myth of Western Humanity and Democracy"


we use the word "terrorist" the same way Rome used the word "barbarian".


"Every time anyone says that israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East."
— John Sheehan, S.J. (a Jesuit Priest)


As a Korean, when my forefathers fought against Japanese occupation, the West labelled them "terrorists." Western democracy and humanity have always been a guise to make colonialism seem acceptable to the masses, similar to how narratives of christianity and civilisation was used to colonise in the earlier phases of western colonialism. They know how to manipulate peoples values and mortality.


Thank you for providing real journalism, we the people deserve the true.


Mossad motto..."By way of deception thou shalt make war."


Thousands of orphans and children without limbs - Human rights lawyer Starmer is okay with starvation of these children.


that was one of the most packed 10 minutes of information, context and history, that I've ever heard. thank you DDN and Matt Kennard.


When I was a youngster, this was termed the Kissinger effect, in acknowledgment that the Americans would groom and support extremists to topple governments that weren't being compliant with American interests, only to find they were beyond their control once in power, and would turn against the Americans. I first heard of this in relation to Ayotollah Khomeini when the Shah was toppled, and despite all the accusations flying around about the rescue mission for the Americans under seige in the embassy, being fake, I believed legacy media on the subject.
Years later, with the wikileaks Syria files exposing the USAs intent to goad Assad into military action destabilizing the whole region, the reasons for going after Gaddafi in Libya, you just wonder how much of it is all theater to manufacture public opinion back home.
Mostly in the past, great efforts have been made to cover up genocides and war crimes supported by our governments.
Now it's being live streamed into our homes and our leaders are pretty cavalier about public opinion. Is this theater too, to manufacture consent? And to what end? Al Gore predicted mass migration of people escaping the consequences of climate change. Is normalizing genocide and demonizing foreigners of color the way to manufacture consent to close our borders and abandon the poorest billions?


I was born and raised in Syria, moved to Istanbul when I was 18, sought refuge in Brazil after 4 years of being illegal in Turkey because they wouldn't give more than half of the Syrians there residency and most of us are forced to work for low wages without contracts in Turkey.
Brazil gave me my first sense of being a citizen since the time I left Syria and the Brazilian people (only the poor and marginalized ones) took me in like a family and made me feel like I belong. Now I am in Canada after spending four years in Brazil.
As soon as I came to Canada I noticed that people here are more afraid to talk than people in Syria!
Most serious subjects are taboos here that makes you unpopular and there is a serious gap of discontent between Canadian citizens and their government in terms of how much people can Canada take in and in terms of the capacity of the system that is failing miserably to absorb the massive numbers of "imported workers and misery" that is currently challenging the Canadians ability to find employment.
I have to say this: I would gave preferred staying in my country if that was an option, than to be forced down the throat of a very nuanced and different society of people who are suffering the same oppression (although in a more subtle manner) and their government is using us (refugees) to downgrade them and make them feel like replaceable pieces without dignity.
As much as you feel like Syrians need sovereignty, and I thank you for that statement, as much as I sympathize with honest citizens who were born in the west only to toil under the most scary monster of them all.
I say
Down with everything
And my message to everyone is to use your own self improvement as the building block of a better tomorrow, don't wait for good leaders to come because bad people never had good leaders
Start with yourselves and be the change you want to see in the world if you're tired of being exploited.


2:28 The small, narrow elite are also extremely racist, cruel, vicious, and plain evil


Matt, as a born Londoner of Syrian origin, with relatives and friends in Syria, and who has lost family to the rebels as well as Assad, thank you. You nailed it.

Big fan of all your work.


How is it? Easy. Our politicians have no shame whatsoever.


"…we have to understand, nothing good comes in the shadows of external Empires…"
How utterly true.


As a Syrian myself, I couldn't agree more. It breaks my heart to know that we cannot even celebrate the end of a painful era.

I'm certain that what's coming next is not for the best of the Syrian people. Especially knowing that these western backed people are the ones who took over the power. People who have no idea what democracy and freedom mean.

The revolution was stolen from day 1 from the hands of the people who truly wanted the change and it was never given back.


My blood boils when I see that rotten smirk of Mileikowsky


Director of the CIA needs to be held accountable.


Hard to tell truth in a world that defends the Devil & his children


" Lunatics are not only free but running the asylum". !!
Norman Finkelstein


The sheer level of HYPOCRISY is truly sickening 👿