DeWalt Bluetooth Headphones

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I think these are going to be my go to headphones for as long as I can get them. I’ve been using these daily for going on 7 weeks now and I’m very happy them. Form factor, battery life voice calls are all 10/10. The only that could use a little improvement would be sound quality. Like I said I the video. It’s fine for podcasts but you music it’s not the best but still very usable.

People always ask for podcast recommendations so here’s a few.

(Who Are These Podcasts)
This is a show that reviews the worst podcasts with humor. Carl is the host with a cast of revolving cohosts. There is also a group of LoLcows that they revisit in every show.
Here is a link to there YouTube channel. @KarlWATP

(Who Are These Socials)
Same as WATP but Carl and cohost Blind Mike focus on social media.

(The Way I heard It) with Mike Rowe.
This is the Dirty Jobs guy’s podcast. Basically a long format interview show with interesting people.

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DEWALT Wireless Bluetooth Neckband Headphones
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Makes me feel better hearing others need something playing in the background to get thru the work day.


My Dewalt set you have there has lasted me ~3 years so far. They never come off my person even when I'm crawling through crawlspaces, or balancing my way through an attic. I still have no issues with the battery life, sound quality, or connection issues this far in. I've even snagged the cord several times and still no issues 10/10 product.


Literally listening to this at work with DEWALT ear buds


I legit thought you were gonna go with: "I like to have one earpiece in and if anyone comes to talk to me I can the other earbud in!" 🤣


I was given a pair of these as a freebie gift at a trade show. They're the best damn pair of ear buds I've ever owned! Never leave home without em!


100% trust in these reviews. This guy is awesome


I'm a heavy equipment mechanic. I listen to podcasts and political commentary all day. I use individual ear buds style so I can use one at a time and have the other in the charging case. Tozo NC9's are a good pick. $30-$40, great sound quality with excellent bass, noise cancelling mode for when you're running powered tools, awareness mode that amplifies surrounding sound and conversation.


About 3 weeks ago I got a pair of over the ear headphones on Amazon. When I got them, I charge them for around 2 hrs. They are advertised to have 200 hours play time.
I just wish I had these before I spent over $300 on 2 pair of Steel Series Pro. I loved everything about the Steel Series Pro.
But, they have a design flaw that causes them to brake very easily. The ear cup that goes over your ear is like a slingshot with only one side supporting the ear cup. Then to compound the problem. The ear cup is made of very cheap plastic.
The new ones I got off Amazon for $20 USD are called PICUN B8. Best 20 I have ever spent. I use them around 12 to 16 hours a day and have to charge them about every 6 or 7 days.

Great review they sound great for phone use. All of my battery powered tools are dewalt.


I have these! I have burned through so many headphones cause the cords are getting worn out. These are the first ones that have the battery to truly last a long time, have the screens to keep the insides clean, and the strain relief on the cables! The neck band is so much better than a wire or even the earbud style.


I’ve had them for quite while now. One pair at work and one at home. I’m in a loud machine shop and they work great as ear plugs too. Mine don’t have the magnets in them, to old I guess. Like a few other commenters, I also am listening to this video through my Dewalts. Great job on the video. Especially the time machine jump.
Take care and thanks!
Nice shirt.


I'm a Ford Tech here in Houston. I rock with the LG Tone Style (HBS-SL5). They usually last me about 2 years, so I normally buy myself a set every other Christmas. The ability to retract them and get them out of the way is a really nice feature. Once I had the ability to retract them and get them out of the way, it's almost impossible for me to go to a pair without that feature


You're alright, pal. Thanks for your videos.


I do construction and have used wired and the bluetooth wireless like LG that are like those Dewalts. None of them ever last. You will hook them at some point and the ear bud will stop working. About 7 years ago i moved to the KZ iems and still have my first pair that work perfect due to the cables are detachable. If the cord breaks just buy another 10$ cable and good to go. Or just buy the bluetooth wireless over ear and your complete wireless which work just as good as when there wired. I currently use The KZ AZ09 Bluetooth 5.2 Module IEM Bluetooth Adapter with the KZ ZAS IEM Earphones, 16-Unit Hybrid High-Frequency 7BA+10mm Dual DD HiFi Stereo Sound Earphones Noise Cancelling Earbuds . They sound better then any earbud ive ever tried.


Ain't gotta watch the video, I LOVE these things. They've changed my work flow. The speaker mode should be marketed as "field conference" mode.

The speakers and mic are so good we can set them on a table or just stand in a circle and it works very well


Aye, I'm the same... since the Walkman days in the 80's, with a pocket fulla double A's, and a bag fulla tapes... aaah... it was a different time then...😂... I've always needed the wee 'alternate reality' to get me through the day, but always only in one ear too... Safety First people...🤣👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


where I work we’re not allowed headphones period, a co worker introduced me to neck speakers(they may have other names), mine are boomerang brand & about £60 ish quid & are really good, you can still hear people(enough to press mute & say “wot” anyway lol)
I wouldn’t go back to ear plugs/headphones even if the were permissible now, Great vids btw


Big fan of the 3M Worktunes. Will have to check these out. There you go.


I've always looked at a job radio as a motivational tool.


In any earbud kit, those ear hooks are invaluable, especially if you're active while wearing them..


Cool!😎 Cheaper to than my AirPods 1-ear air pods.

The wired neck gear has a big battery in it, so it’s not like losing an earring or a 10mm socket. 😊
