Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis from Tooth Enamel Carbonate | Protocol Preview

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Sampling and Pretreatment of Tooth Enamel Carbonate for Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Analysis - a 2 minute Preview of the Experimental Protocol

Alicia Ventresca Miller, Ricardo Fernandes, Anneke Janzen, Ayushi Nayak, Jillian Swift, Jana Zech, Nicole Boivin, Patrick Roberts
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History,; University of Oxford, School of Archaeology;

Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of human and animal tooth enamel carbonate has been used as a proxy for individual diet and environmental reconstruction. Here, we provide a detailed description and visual documentation of bulk and sequential tooth enamel sampling as well as pretreatment of archaeological and paleontological samples.

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