Ean Weiler · Free Skate · JGP 2023 Istanbul #short #figureskate #jgpfigure

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Music: S.O.S. - Dimash Qudaibergen
Choreography: Ekaterina Zanta
Costume: Satomi Ito

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Skating Club : Bülacher Eislaufclub (BEC)
Member of the Swiss National Team

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Рекомендации по теме

I couldn't watch your FS live. I'll do this as soon as possible. But this short shows a beautiful costume, an excellent music choice, wonderful jumps and skating. I simply love it! Congrats, dear Ean!


I can't stop watching this video. Beautiful music, beautiful skating, beautiful costume, talented skater. And you are really cute in the Kiss & Cry. 😊💞


Well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻You have got a bright future ahead of you, this was great start, congratulations Ean !


Congratulations for surviving your first JGP! You did great and your costume is gorgeous. Can't wait to see you skating again. 🤞😊❤


Hey, Ean! Good job! A fighter!
You have the most beautiful programs, beautiful skating, beautiful spins. Finish the jumps and everything will be great! Believe and work hard! You're the best!
♥️ Thank you for your heart to everyone who was rooting for you. With love...♥️♥️♥️


Congratulations for this beautiful program, not easy at all on Dimash's song, but you have the musical and artistic sense to allow it, beautiful movements, beautiful arms, great expressiveness, beautiful body line that you know how to exploit... well of course, a magnificent costume that suits you perfectly, we will have the pleasure of seeing you rise in the classifications as the competitions progress.


Еще раз убедилась в таланте этого мальчика после просмотра в Стамбуле.Трудись усердно, как это делал и делает сейчас легендарный Юдзуру Ханю и успех придет! С интересом буду следить за твоим развитием.
