All of your videos are art. Literally the clearest explanation of abstract algebra I've come across. CraaaabPeople
All of your videos are art. Literally the clearest explanation of abstract algebra I've come across.
It is so beautiful! Thank you so much, Matthew! helinafedorchuk
It is so beautiful! Thank you so much, Matthew!
I can definitely see these videos as being the critical "factor" in someone doing well in a group theory class! PunmasterSTP
I can definitely see these videos as being the critical "factor" in someone doing well in a group theory class!
Why do you have two (1423) in the table? One is in the second column, and the other is in the fourth column. And two (1324) in the third column? 楚阑
Why do you have two (1423) in the table? One is in the second column, and the other is in the fourth column. And two (1324) in the third column?
What you do with a column of S4 (obtain a subgroup isomorphic to S3) is not possible with the quaternion group when you take N={1, -1}. I'm I wrong? maurocruz
What you do with a column of S4 (obtain a subgroup isomorphic to S3) is not possible with the quaternion group when you take N={1, -1}. I'm I wrong?