Merge raster data with GDAL in Python

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from osgeo import gdal
import glob
import subprocess
# list all files in directory that match pattern
# gdal_merge
# build virtual raster and convert to geotiff
vrt = None
Merge raster data with GDAL in Python
MERGE raster in Qgis (GDAL algorithm)
Merging Rasters with QGIS and GDAL - Open Source GIS
GDAL Tutorial #3: Raster calculation
Getting Started with GDAL and OGR - Merging Two Raster Files (Hebrew)
GIS: How can I merge rasters using GDAL inside Python interpreter or script?
QGIS Merge Raster
GDAL Tutorial #1: Introduction + Installation
Merge Raster Layers in QGIS (Create a Raster Mosaic)
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Python GIS - Subset Raster with GDAL
GIS: Using gdal merge correctly?
QGIS Tutorials 43: Merge or Mosaic Raster image in QGIS | Merge Tool
Splitting raster data into equal pieces with GDAL in Python
Compress a Raster - gdal_translate
Read and write raster files with GDAL in Python