2024 Honda CBR600RR | The PERFECT Middleweight Super Sport!

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After being discontinued in the UK in 2016 the Honda CBR600RR is finally back and its looking better than ever!! But the question is how does it ride?

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I bought one 2 weeks ago. Dropping down from 200hp Superbikes, it is a fantastic bit of kit and more than enough to have fun on the road with! If you’re thinking about it, do it!


I’m an old fashioned guy, but this bike (together with the zx-6rr) is MAGNIFICENT!
Greetings from Italy


I got my first cbr600rr in 2004. Still own that bike. i love it. My wifes first bike was a 2005 cbr600rr. We still have those bikes. We have many other bikes mostly ducatis . but will never sell our cbr600rr.


My favorite video of the bike so far. Mine arrives in 2 weeks.


Supersports making a comeback 🤔 I do see a few more gen z out on them, maybe their sick of seeing us old timers blowing past their adventure bikes 😂


I think a lot of people are going back to modern sports bike’s. Because the comfort has improved and the electrics have advanced.
Welcome to the new wave of true sports bikes 🎉


Back in 2006 - 2008 I was riding a 749R, and thought very little about 600 class 4 cylinder supersport and sportbikes. Then I got dusted by the Yamaha 600s. Now though, having sampled a couple of the Honda CBR600RRs at track days, I was blown away by how easy the Honda is to ride really fast. It was a revelation, and changed my perspective completely. If a rider can ride this bike to it's limits, that rider will be passing almost everyone at a track day. The ones I sampled had full race exhausts and were re-mapped, re-geared and sounded amazing at 12+RPM. My advantage is I'm 5'8" and 9 stone, 10 suited and booted...INow need to try a Kawasaki 636 soon.


I see so many posts on social media saying go litre or go home, but I totally disagree with that statement. This bike proves that with a smaller engine with a lower price point, you can really have an incredible time. Cheaper insurance too


I've got a 2012 model
The most underrated motorcycle on the roads


This reminds we of the 90's, when the 400 in line 4 cylinders were around. If you knew how to hustle a 400, the only place the bigger bikes would have a chance, was on the straights and that doesn't really take a lot of skill to do. IMO, you really cant push a litre sport bike to its limits on the road, unless you're Peter Hickman at the TT. And if you are still insistent on trying to explore those limits, then say goodbye to your licence.
A decent mid weight sports bike, will always leave you feeling like you are in control of the bike, rather than the bikes trying to kill you, on a bigger bike. A much more appealing scenario.
Great vid as always Chops and looking forward to the 600 shootout with Gergorio and yourself.


Picked mine up Saturday. Did my first long ride today, my commute into central London. I've had loads of bikes over last 10 years. Sports bikes are best in London for filtering!! I had no aches today (time will tell) - 90 minute journey either way. I'm 6ft 2 and I don't find it cramped. Was hot under the bum on the way home until I hit the A3 and got moving. Nothing I can't live with and I'm actually looking forward to the heat during winter commutes.


the ZX-6R, 600RR, YZFR9, RC990 need to sell well to force Suzuki to bring back the supersport I want... an updated GSX-R750.


Picked mine up a few weeks ago, ive always had twins up until now. It is utterly fantastic


The ultimate lane splitter together with the zx6r thanks to its light weight, slenderness and retractable mirrors. I've done 60, 000km's on my 2020 zx6r and have enjoyed every second of it. Do get yourself one of those comfort cushions (tourtecs, wildass, airhawk whatever) and you'll be able to ride for hours on end without issues.


I had one new in 2008 it was brilliant, but 16 years later I don't think I could use a CBR600RR as daily but would love one for weekend blasts and track days.


That is a typical Honda blueprint. Very tempted to get one, thanks for the vid 👍


My first brand new bike ever was 2003 (first year they made these) 600rr and I loved it. I wish I never sold it back then, it was so smooth and was so easy to ride fast, I had no issues keeping up with bigger bikes on the road, and I could ride that thing right off the the edge of the tire. Love these bikes!


Love this bike. I had the 2013 version and I really miss that bike. With the quick shifter now and blipper it must just make it. ❤


Have a 2017 - amazing machine. Most intuitive thing I've ever guided through a set of corners. Enjoy the Jeckel and Hyde nature of the 600 engine. You've got natural 'power modes' depending on what RPM range you choose to ride in. Very fun weekend canyon carver.


Just came back from a short grocery run with this bike, took delivery last thursday and already 500 km on it. I'm a giant on it at 6'5" but it's managable and the fun makes up for any lost comfort. It's stable and fast, looks and feels amazing. You'd need to rev it over 10 to go ludicrous on it, but even below, I still love the grunt, even compared to my CB500S
