"Sorry guys, we tried to make something special but unfortunatly we couldnt meet your expectations, at this point there is nothing we can do to improve the skin and fix these issues but we will take this feedback to heart and improve on future released skins <3"
It's all part of Riot's master plan. Nerfing Irelia, while making money out of her, at the same time. Genius
pay money for map skins ❌
pay money to lose ✅
The fact riot created a legendary for an AA based champion but didn't create a new basic attack animation for it... but still managed to desynchronize it holy
how does it feel when irelia get the project pyke treatment now ire mains
Ohhh, a lot of skins have that AA desynchronizations, but not as extreme as in this case. For example Coven Camille. The AA animation already shows that you are hitting the enemy, the AA SFX already plays, but when you use Q to cancel the AA down timer it turns out the AA didnt go thru. Its only a split second, but if I can notice it much better players surely will also perceive the skin scuffed (hence maybe thats why almost noone uses that skin even tho objectively its Camilles most fancy skin?).
Oh yeah I can definitely understand that feeling of missed autos. As WW main when my ping is high or just spikes I hate it when I cancel autoattacks just because the animation feels slightly delayed and not instant as usual, especially with W passive...
I feel there is a similar effect with Winterblessed Diana. The auto attack animation on her base skin is quick and smooth. but the Winterblessed Diana autos feel super clunky and slow. Might just be the animation style they used for the skin, since her Q cast animation is definitely slower but the actual skill itself fires off at the same rate.
I KNEW IT! I have been saying that the skin feels a little odd to play and that my autos look much slower than before
"actions speak louder than words" as their said in they apologize video
This is the case for GK Darius(as well as basically every single modern darius skin). What Riot has done is that they've relied on spamming the skin with effects and the effect that appears on the target when you aa them usually appears a frame or so before the aa itself lands.
Skins with different animations have that problem a lot. God King Darius and Spirit Blossom Sett are two that effect me a lot. Since the animation is more rubbery i tend to cancel autos and miss my auto w a lot more with those skins.
This is also an issue with multiple Yi skins. PsyOps and Cosmic Blade are the ones I notice it most on.
Its ok, RIOT is going to use the money to develop new skins in Valorant. No need to be frustrated over things not working in League.
from a coding perspective, it seems very likely that someone would have had to either go in manually to a different set of scripts to visual ones to change this or more likely is a bug with the engine physics, both may be wrong but this seems like an easy-to-fix problem that is very rare to happen in the first place
"In a game where visual clarity is extremely important-"
*laughs in teamfights*
*chokes in dragon/baron contests*
*dies in jungle skirmishes*
@0:24 that is at the END of the auto attack. I think this one is kind of a stretch as it's nearly the same (as seen @0:16)
There are tons of reason why when you lose fights early that dont have to do with an auto attack canceling. This is a crutch for an excuse when players make mistakes. Also the animation is suppose to be like that since there is an animation for the attack then blades follow. This can be the same excuse for Lee Sin players for the Muay Tai skin since it auto attacks faster than all the other skins. Since its faster it can do the same for early levels since players arent using to it but no one does since player use it for that exact reason.
Could be due to frame rates, but if you slow the video to .25, the Mythmaker aa is registering earlier into Irelia's spin (disregard the effects). By the time damage numbers show, default is already turned around but Mythmaker is still winding up her kick.
as an ire main i gotta say i love the skin but at the same time I do see what people mean that its not the best. either way I bought the skin since its her first legendary skin (I think) and the purple chroma is pretty aswell