23 Weeks Pregnant - What to Expect

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At a smidge over a pound and about 11 inches long, the length of a carrot, your baby-to-be is actually looking a bit like a Shar Pei. Very cute, but still very wrinkly, with skin hanging loosely from that little body.
But don't worry, the fat is about to start catching up. Beginning this week, your little puppy begins to pack on the pounds, in fact, doubling that baby weight during the next month. Once those fat deposits are made, your baby will be less transparent too. Right now, the organs and bones can still be seen through the skin, which is cellophane-thin and has taken on a reddish cast, thanks to the vivid network of blood vessels developing underneath. Luckily, a tough protective protein called keratin is being added to your baby's skin cells, and that'll thicken the skin. By month 8, baby won't be see-through anymore.
Your little one's lungs are maturing slowly but surely. Small capillaries are forming in the lungs and specialized lung cells, called pneumocytes, are developing. These all-important cells will produce surfactant down the road, the crucial substance that'll help baby's lungs expand after birth.
In the meantime, take a look at the placenta, your baby's recently completed life support system. The pancake-shaped placenta is attached to your uterine wall and connected to your baby by the umbilical cord. It acts as a sophisticated trading post and filtering system, transferring oxygen and nutrients to your fetus and removing waste products. It also protects your baby, serving as a sort of fetal security checkpoint, by preventing harmful substances and infections from passing from your system into your baby's. The placenta is also hard at work producing hormones, estrogen and progesterone, that keep your pregnancy going strong. Pretty impressive for a network of blood vessels.