The Birth Rate is PLUMMETING to Hell and the Impact on the US Population

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In this video, we explore the significant decline in birth rates in the United States and how it reflects broader global trends. With recent projections indicating a shrinking population, we delve into the factors contributing to this change, including reduced immigration and shifting societal norms. Join us as we analyze the implications of these trends for the future of the US and the world at large. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!

#BirthRates #PopulationDecline #USDemographics #GlobalTrends #FamilyPlanning #Immigration #FutureOfAmerica #SocietalChange #PopulationProjection #DecliningBirthRates
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With housing issues, poverty, and other issues, let the plummet continue


Also want to circle back to the breastfeeding woman being shamed and harassed at the jury duty. This is not the behaviour of a country that deserves babies.


They can stop tik tok, but child trafficking is still alive today? lets get these monsters out of office. Educate the girls about coersion, and gullibility.


Having a baby can be dangerous in the best of circumstances. And right now life in the U.S. is not the best of circumstances.


We should first improve everyone’s quality of life before worrying about increasing the quantity of lives in this country.


“Don’t have kids if you can’t afford ‘em!”

“Why aren’t people having kids anymore??”


This country deserves to go have a seat somewhere.


They’d rather keep the current system & stay rich. Than redistribute the country’s wealth & make it easier & more affordable to have a family


I was told that because I’m a straight man and dating a woman that I am “obligated” to have a child with her. I asked him if he thought my girlfriend’s opinion was important in that and he said “she’s gonna naturally desire to have a child. Even if she doesn’t say it outloud she wants one, it’s just her nature”
This is the kind of thinking that we’re fighting against as a nation. Happy I found your channel to let me know that my partner and I are sane


I saw an ad for childcare just last night. The price for 1 month was $1800. Having kids is now for people w money.


What's funny is that one of the advantages the US has/had is that it can solve any population shortfalls it has by immigration since people, at least in the past, wanted to move here but with with wealth inequality getting awful and tons of anti immigrant sentiment the US is basically throwing away one of its greatest advantages.


It's beyond me why anyone wants to move to the US just now.


I snicker every time I see article forecasting gloom and doom over the birthrate. If the powers in charge actually cared, they would make it easier and cheaper to deliver a child, and give better incentives to having children. As it stands, the economy is squeezing every dollar it can from multiple generations to the point where working two full time jobs still can't balance a budget for people. Add onto that a surprise childbirth bill and all the extra costs...doesnt surprise me that people are foregoing kids.

One of my friends from HS had a single kid, got handed a $30, 000 bill for it, and chose to stop at one. I chose to go childless.


This is happening everywhere, excluding parts of Africa and India. Italy is ranked the lowest. The earth is cleansing itself, and we all need to do our part.


Proudly part of the childless statistic, getting my tubes removed in a few weeks!


Keep it up ladies 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 no more little worker bees to exploit for your riches 😂


And honestly if we have another COVID type thing, I can imagine that the population might drop further considering who's going to be in charge soon.


I told a wax client back in the summer of 2020 that I thought black women should stop having children all together because we know how things will go for them. She looked at me like I grew another head right before her eyes.


Oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s better for the environment!!! BTW @Burb, have you seen the article in the Washington Post titled “surge in Americans getting sterilizations given states abortion laws” it was posted 1/15!


I find the whole birthrate discussion so interesting, because growing up in the 90s all I heard discussed were how we are too many people on earth and "how can we regulate hymanitys growth to sace the planet?"

Just because our economic system relies on steady growth does not make this model a natural law. A shrinking world population will requure xhanges ib our economic system, but maybe this will be for thw good of our spieces in the long run.

Humanitys history is a huge story of changing societies and cultures, economic systems and technological advancement. Maybe "people" should focus more on how this can impact us positively rather on trying to artificially prop up a system that is naturally evolving into something new.

It is the same with how everyone is so "worried" about women being educated to a higher degree than men, being more active in the workforce and men loosing out on jobs and such. Instead of seeing problems with a static patriarchy not being maintained, we can see the possibility that it is evolving into a society where what is "traditionally" male and female is slowly changing into something else. Growth can be painful, especially when your gender is the one changing in ways you are not wanting it to, but change is life - stagnation is not.

There have been many great civilisations during humanitys history, and most of them died due to them not being sustainable due to sovcietaly changes or pressures due to the climate. Why should we be the exception? Why does modern society have such an inflated view of our own inportance in the gran scheme of things? Why does change and evolution scare the people in power so much?

Let the birthrate plumet! Let women chose 4B if they want to (I was already living it before I even know it was a thing). Let women be mothers if they want. Let us not be bound to arbitrary population numbers as it were gospel. Let us adapt to a new climate reality by shrinking our world population to better accomodate the shrinking resources of our world.
