GEOS 2 0 was ported to 8 bit Atari 😎

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GEOS (Graphic Environment Operating System) is a discontinued operating system from Berkeley Softworks (later GeoWorks). Originally designed for the Commodore 64 with its version being released in 1986, enhanced versions of GEOS later became available in 1987 for the Commodore 128 and in 1988 for the Apple II series of computers. A lesser-known version was also released for the Commodore Plus/4.
--From Wikipedia

Now it's been Ported to the Atari 8-bit

GEOS 2.0 was ported to 8-bit Atari by *Maciej Witkowiak*

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That calendar thing is an algorithm that is well known and has been for years. Thanks for the video!


That's awesome! Geos turned the Commodore 64/128 into a budget Macintosh, back in the day. There was also a version of it for the Apple II. Glad to finally see it for the Atari 8-bit machines.


I had a pirated copy of GEOS for the C64. It was painful to use on a single-drive system with no RAM expander. I liked using the fonts in GEOWrite and I had a program to turn MacPaint graphic files into GEOPaint files, but that's about all I used it for.

I also had some extra font discs for it. One day I spent all afternoon copying the files between disks (all the fonts that you wanted to use needed to be on the GEOS disk) so that I could print out samples of all the different fonts in different sizes for reference. It took forever and was a huge pain in the butt, but when I got done, I stapled the pages and had a nice little booklet showing all the different fonts. Then the very next day, my friend spilled his coffee on it. I never had the ambition to make a new copy. :(

GEOWrite and GEOPaint were nice, but I always wished that they had been native C64 programs rather than requiring that they be run in GEOS with its own custom file format and all the other baggage that came with it.


Out of all 8-bits I favored the Atari most. I have used c64 GEOS, and it is painful. This however is in a new league of it's own, nice and smooth. Would have made a great pack in for the XF551 floppy drive and promote it for the XE/GS and 130XE.


Is it possible to use a mouse on 8Bit Atari too? I have some for the STs, but never heard of a mouse for the 400/800 XLs. Very cool, thank you for reviewing that!


What emulator are you using Mike? I use Altirra for old 8-bit stuff.


I won't be impressed until I see it on the VCS. Go devs!
