NIGHT TIME CAR PHOTOGRAPHY - Tips, lighting, and what NOT TO DO!

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In this video I go out to do some Night time Car Photography with the Porsche Taycan and share with you my tips and settings to get great results. I also learn a few things about night time car photography that you should not do so you can learn from my mistakes! I hope you enjoy coming along for the ride and enjoy the process as I learn a little bit. Let me know in the comments below if you'd like to see a Lightroom editing tutorial of the night time car photography! Don't forget to like and subscribe if you're digging the content!

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#carphotography #howtoshootcars
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Guys! We did it! We hit 30, 000 Subscribers! Thank you so much for all your love and support! Take your shot at editing these RAW Night time car photos and tag me in them on Instagram! Link is in the description.


I love this video because it shows how photography really goes sometimes. Things just don't go how you planned and you don't quite get the shots you wanted, it happens. Took me longer than it should to learn you aren't always going to walk up and nail the shot, keep working. Thanks for the video!


The only true automotive photography channel had to watch this before bed at 123am friday


Everyone else replied a year ago, I feel so dumb, but I'm so glad you share in the obstacles of nightime shooting. I often go without a helper/observer, so my main tactic is to be fast and make sure I'm in a location that provides me with good visibility to see if anyone is approaching. Regarless, I'm usually on edge with all the camera gear and typically a desirable car. Thanks for admitting this was a "fail" (even though it proably wasn't) as so many others make it seem like there are never issues at these shoots.


I have to say I can really appreciate the fact that you posted your “fail” sometimes that is just as good or better to learn from. I think it helps the amateur photographer troubleshoot why they may be having problems. I would like to see you do a nighttime shoot with a “plain” vehicle that you can park wherever you want to help the guy with the camera take a good picture of his friends beat up 1986 Camaro.


Underrated car photography channel. You deserve more subscribers. Great video btw!


Thanks for the fun night shots! It's when the Taycan really comes alive! Never forget theTaycan is always listening, interrupting us every time we say "Porsche".


Who's at the premiere?!
Love the work alex🔥🔥


Huge respect for keeping it real. Sometimes the shots just don’t work out. Can’t wait to see you give it a go again.


Would have loved to see those failed shots. The honesty & transparency is what makes your channel so special. You don't just try to make good videos for views but you actually teach in a real-life scenario way. Please keep making such video and DO include the shots that didn't work out.


Love the simple, relaxed style of your you tube channel. Enjoying the thoughtful content you put out, especially when it doesn't go as planned but you put it out anyway. Keep up the great work!


Good to see a bit of reality in a video. These things happen to all photographers and people need to know that so they don't get too down when things don't work out


For lightpainting you need something like 30sec exposure and a lightbar/flashlight and a really dark place to shoot. Shoot with bulb and run around with your light. Go give it a try they look awesom.


I love your open, honest, and true approach to photography. Your videos are so inspiring. You can tell that this is a passion that you are dedicated too! Keep making great content.


Always the best content here! Always excited to see what you will put out next!


I absolutely love your channel mate, so much information for people just starting out and experienced people who want to learn new things.. but man the Porsche was filthy... lol


Great Video Man! Respect for staying humble and looking at the positives.


Just bought the sigma 35mm 1.4. Going out late as soon as it arrives!


Tail lights: 40% mist, 20% allure, 40% just cpl, and switch mist and allure ratio for the ambient lights, seems like it'd create something cool.

Great shots though man! Night time photography always feels like a fail when you get home lol I find a tripod and multiple exposures both with the car lights on and off, artificial light hitting at least 2 angles an absolute must with night time car photography...been failing for years, 😂 failing less these days


Still really helpful! Thank you for being so open and honest in your videos. True inspiration man!
