Laser cutting our own keys! Why pay a dealer or locksmith? Ebay key duplicator to the rescue!

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I got tired of having to pay dealership and locksmith prices just to have a simple key made. Was this option more expensive? Absolutely. Will it be cheaper in the long term? Possibly. Why pay for someone to do it, when you can make sure it is done right on your own time. I have only tried this on Ford keys so far. I would assume it would work for any side "laser" cut keys.
Ignore the junk in the background. The workbench needs cleaned up from past projects.
The key duplicating/cutting machine is model 368A. They can be purchased around $110 on eBay. Some assembly and tightening of loose bolts required.

You can purchase key blanks for these machines on Amazon here:
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#LaserKeyCutting #KeyDuplicator #Defu368a
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I bought the same machine a few months ago . just throw out all 240 volts equipment and bought from amazon 12 volts DC engine for few pounds witch fits exactly, new switch with reverse option, new bright bulb and makita battery with extra switch.
now got completely mobile key cutting machine .With one charge can cut over 40 keys .
all modification cost me around 80 pounds, plus original machine 165 .
at the moment very useful and cheap


Nice video! I have one of these machines I bought years ago and never really used. Also I’ve seen comments about why a lot of locksmiths won’t cut customer provided keys and say they will mess up their machines - there is some truth to this - some of the keyblanks you buy online are made of different metals (cheaper manufacturing I suppose) and they can chew up milling bits on key machines. Some of these bits can be pricey to replace - a way to check is to check a key with a magnet (most keyblanks are usually made of brass so they are not magnetic). If it sticks it’s likely to damage the cutter. Now another thing is I don’t cut customer provided keys mainly for these reasons: Often customer provided keys don’t always work (they won’t program wrong part #/cheap defective junk). There’s always a chance that a key gets cut wrong by mistake and that’s a problem. Also if we cut a customer provided key and it doesn’t program customers often want to blame the locksmith and swear there is nothing wrong with their key. Lastly - being purely mobile we don’t make enough money off cutting and programming customer provided keys plain and simple. It’s like bringing your own hamburger meat into McDonald’s and asking them to cook you a burger! Now of course if you want to buy a machine online and all the stuff to do it yourself as a lot of people have done on here all the power to ya! I choose to not do it because I don’t want to deal with the headache that often results from these types of service requests.


Thanks for the tip about tightening that internal bolt. Mine was loose.


I agree it was a good video and I too appreciate you sharing it with everyone, but what I like even more perhaps and can appreciate as well is how you have interacted with the viewers and your response to their comments weather it be a question or just a comment they left you’ve made it a point to respond to them and that’s something to be said because it goes beyond the time you’ve already taken to create and post this informative video in the first place. I know you spent a lot longer than the 9 min and 14 seconds shown in the timeline to create such a video for us and if it wasn’t for people like you many of us would still be in the dark on this machine or anything else we may have turned to youtube for seeking knowledge and explanation. I admire your dedication and wish I could do the same. Thank you for sharing this with us.


For the “paper mod” to raise it. I would hit up your favorite fast food place and get a couple of plastic straws. Same thickness easy to measure lol.


The price to get a laser key cut is fuking insane! Its like paying a tire shop $100 to check your tire pressure.


Wonderful video! I was thinking of using my Dremel to make a key, then I saw your inspiring video. Lots of information for a Do It myself. Thank you so much.


I love how these DIY videos edit out all the problem solving and make a 10 second reference to the problem solving that took them hours and hours. He doesn't even show himself cutting the key which took him hours to do. He just shows the key he already cut off camera. I call shenanigans.


great video, well worth the watch!
If I needed to make more than 1 key I would buy 1 of these


Excellent one of the most comprehensive videos B


Good review I have this machine and seen the guide lifting up so I can tighten that wing nut and get more better cuts thank you


I have the same cutter. Works good once you learn the quirks.


I love when people deny the common man. Because that means you have to create yourself and train yourself to reach higher


Great video i also hade simmilar situation where the key was too small to hold by the vice so i bought Key Clamping Fixture for specific key with that I was able to cut and able to make the perfect key just by cutting it once.


Get the HU101 key fixture, easier and more accurate then doing it that way with a paper spacer. Only $17 on eBay for a set of the key fixtures for the machine to make the H94/HU101 style Ford keys.


Great vid man. I was debating on getting a manual cutter. Now I'm about to


so this does the same thing as the machines that cost thousands? The answer would be to only use brass key blanks and use the key code for cutting. I own two Belsaw key duplicating machines. I am slowly getting the tooling together to start a mobile car lockout and key making service. I will have to get the reprogramming computer also.


Just got that exact key. After programming it, the remote works great! But I took it to Home Depot and they won't cut a key that isn't purchased there.. GREEDY! GREEDY!
But it's no wonder! Home Depot sells their FOBs with built in key for $100


It's missing the springs in the clamps mine had the same deffo worth putting them in


How does this type of machine work with a normal (non-"laser") key profile like a house key? Do you use a different key block or something so it can cut all the way through the key? Or do you need a whole nother machine for those?
