Drugstore Perfume - Gerard Way (Lyric Video)

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all images and audio belong to gerard way
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I like his stuff. I think MCR fans were expecting it to be more like MCR but this is Gerard doing his own thing and I personally think it's great music.


since no one is putting this in words I will,

okay so when i listen to this song i feel like when youre riding a train and go under a tunnel and those neon-y lights light up, also those light neon signs that gives you a old vintage vibe, or riding in a car with all your friends, or biking through your old neighborhood. staying up all night talking to your friends, hanging out in the parking lot at 2 am. also falling asleep in a long car trip. basically nostalgic stuff, , , thaTS ALL


Can you imagine riding around town in the middle of summer with this song blasting... I love his new music. 


This song just *sounds* like memories. I don't know how but it's wonderful. My favourite on the album.


Every time I listen to Hesitant Alien, I think about train stations and cities by night... I don't know why...


Glad to see so many people supporting Gerard's solo career in such a positive way. 


He captures that 80s alternative sound so well


I wonder what inspired him to make this album a lot about love and romance. It's kinda cute actually, if you think about it, but deep at the same time. He didn't seem like someone to express love, as he has said in an interview he felt weird describing romance in his eyes.


Drugstore Perfume would always remind me of MCR's Danger Days song "Summertime, " which also talks about Gerard's wife.


I expected this album to parallel Patrick Stump's album, Soul Punk, in a way and I was correct. Well, the parallel is that people expected the band's sound for their debut records, but both frontmen delivered some totally unexpected but fantastic music in the end. You can't be anything but proud of them for finding their voice and their own individual sound.


So this is my favourite song and I saw Gerard tonight. It was magical when he sung my favourite verse because for a second he came so close to where I was standing in the crowd and it just made me disconnect with the world. It was one of the best moments in my life, I will never forget <3 


Up until about a week ago I really wasn't a fan of hesitation alien cause being a dedicated killjoy it just wasn't the same (I didn't even like frnkiero andthe celibration but I do now ) but last Tuesday I had put on Spotify and hit a random playlist to listen to while I studied for exams. Anyways brother came on and I knew I had heard it somewhere but couldn't quite place it. Turns out I was playing Gees music. After about 3 more songs I was really getting into the music so I was like I have to know who this is! Checked my phone and guess who's sassy face is on my screen? Gerard Way The queen of sass! So I ditched my math studying and searched up hesitation alien and really did listen to the music and the lyrics and I love it. For the past while I wouldn't even follow anyone from mcr on scocial media cause I was really heartbroken ( ik it's been 3 years but that's not the point ) But I found out that I really like what the boys are doing although still very confused by electric century but hey if that's what mikey wants to do and it makes him happy and keeps him and Gee from using substances to cope with things then that's great. So long story short if you are another killjoy and your not really into they're solo stuff, really listen to the meaning of the music. It changes your entire perspective. And even if you don't like it, MCR has tones of stuff out there. Also, there's always remixs and trust me a mix of centuries and planetary ( go! ) is great. Anyways that's my emo rant of the day! 💙


MCR will always be my favourite band, but I also really love the new music Gerard and Frank are making. Sure, it doesn't sounds like in the old times, but we should accept it's a new thing. :)
They all do great their own way. ♡

If my english isn't the best, I'm german...I tried my best! ^^


I love this genre of music as much as I love MCR's. Plus, Gerard has such a perfect voice he could sing anything and make it sound good.


I, as a big mcr fangirl, think that its wonderful he is doing his own thing c:
but i did make me tear up when i went to see him in Cincinnati, and on a board there was "Before i die and someone wrote "Before i die, i want to see MCR get back together.."
i couldnt help but start crying as many other people waiting in line did to.


this makes me so nostalgic and sad and happy and im just a mess


his music gives you such a distant feeling. sorta' sad, like you can't go to the place you long to be. Everyone's talking about the city, and I totally agree. It's amazing, I love it, but I hate it because I can't go to that place. it just makes me sad.


I'm not crying...you're crying..


I love this song so much. It's probably my favorite song on Hesitant Alien. It makes my heart ache because it reminds me of my situation. I want to leave, but since I'm so young, I don't have a voice and there's no possible way that I can leave. I feel like I'm trapped and there's no one to talk to. Ugh... I can't express what I'm feeling very well, but it makes my heart ache but in a kind of happy way. Like... sad but happy. Butterflies in my stomach. Kind of... Queasy. But I'm addicted to the felling and I can't stop listening. It lets me know that I'm not the only one. And I can keep going.


I saw Gerard yesterday i'm so fucking happy
