The REAL size of the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer | Star Wars Legends Lore

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We breakdown the true size of the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer, the powerful dreadnought used by the Reborn Emperor during Operation Shadow Hand.


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Nothing like a little Eckharts to start the morning.


Makes me wonder if the Emperor was compensating for something...


I love how the Eclipse is slightly shorter than the Executor, it makes it seem like that 15 to about 20 km long is the largest ships can be without being seemingly wrong. The eclipse, as you also said, was also more massive, and to make that ship as long or longer than others would bake it seem way to big and unwieldy, even for Palpadank. The 17 mm long ship fits just as fine as well, because it does have less weapons and armament than a Executor, other than the AXSL, (axial super laser).


I was never bothered by the slightly shorter Eclipse. It may have been shorter, but it was so much beefier. It's a bit like the difference between a rapier and bastard sword. No one thinks that a bastard sword is less lethal just because it's a bit shorter.


So the Eclipse could potentially be a quarter of the Death Star's length . . . that is scary 🤤


When I first learned of the of the Executor up scaling I actually felt a little bit disappointed it was now longer then the Eclipse. I felt the Eclipse was supposed to be something of a size we couldn't even fathom like the mega star destroyer.


Another perfect video. Keep up the good work and may the force be with you.


Hi, i worked at West End Games at that time. My only thing to add was even then five miles seemed short and friends at Star Wars Technical Commentaries started the friendly banter to upgrade the size of the Executor. By the way, you should pronounce it EXecutor. Not EXECutor.


The ship is big enough, we all know that the Eclipse is already overpowered the way it is


Replicators vs a Unified Star Wars universe (313th try now, *_I._** WILL NEEEEVER EEEVER GIVE UP!!!)*


Oh what
How did I I get here so early


The Yuuzhan Vong vs the Dark Eldar.
Zann Consortium vs Jul Mdama's Covenant.
The Separatist Alliance vs the Rebel Alliance.
The Mandalorians (Mandalorian Wars) vs the Swords of Sanghelios.
The Covenant vs the Eldar.
The UNSC (post war) vs The Rakatan Infinite Empire.


Even with the Executor beieng longer the Eclipse is still far more massive. The Eclipse is at least twice as thick giving a lot more internal volume


I remember my grade school library had a book of almost every Star Wars vehicle. I'm pretty sure it was the essential guide. It was there that I first learned about the Eclipse, and it's been my favorite Star Wars ship ever since.


I remember this thing from Empire at war. The sheer size made chuckle when i saw it. It's laser made me feel like a guy with a fly swatter.


Nah, I think that 17.5 is a good number. It's little bit shorter than the Executioner, but it's much more massive and has the Death Star laser so it's a good trade off.


40 odd km seems about right for a ship named the eclipse


Lucas said in his first thought on the Stat Destroyer it would visually appear to be six miles long. Then they went down to about 1.5.
I was around in 94 and the Eclipse was thought to be roughly twice as long as the Executer and far larger in overall mass.


My question is how would the world turn without ekhartsladder


Perhaps the reason they haven't retconned the Eclipse's size in the new canon yet is pretty simple. As far as current canon goes, the Eclipse is an SSD, and that's it, nothing specific other than it's a magnificent ship, and the most powerful of the Imperial Navy at the time of the Battle of Jakku.

Since the First Order porbably still uses it (if I recall correctly they were said to use the old equipment still alongside the new stuff), it is highly likely, it'll be Kylo's new flagship in Episode 9. If the upscaled ship will be big enough, it might actually have a proper planet-killer superlaser, which would solve multiple issues, 1 is the threat of it, a slow-moving mobile battlestation is one thing but a relatively fast dreadnaught with planet-killer capability? A lot scarier, and also no more silly spherical superweapons. It would aslo make sense to keep such a weapon a secret, perhaps the First Order did count on the destruction of Starkiller, since it was big, anything but mobile, and it was a gigantic sitting duck waiting for destruction after it fired. That tactical move would actually make sense, and would redeem the incompetent idiots a bit. Also would look a lot better if the idiots finally used their support ships in their fleets. They have them. I hope Kylo will make some "adjustments" to his officers. *Make the baddies poper baddies, not villains from a damn cartoon!*

Also the Imperial "the bigger the better" doctrine, well it would make Death Star-like battlestations silly at this point. I mean, what would be next? The Death Stars were moon-sized, Starkiller was a planet, if the next superweapon is a freaking dyson-sphere-like thing housing an entire star in it's belly, I'll lose my shit.... -.-'
