5 Unmistakable Signs He Has DEEP HIDDEN Feelings For You

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2:16 body language
3:14 flirtatiousness
4:00 going to want to know your inner world
4:40 will want to be with you
5:13 slightly jealous


Ladies, have self respect and don’t play their games!
Why men have to have the last day?
No way!!

Don’t let them drag you on!!!!

You are beautiful and you will get the deserving man ❤


What doesn't make sense is that the guy is crazy about you yet doesn't want a relationship. For women it's pretty clear, if we don't like the guy enough we won't want a relationship. Or is that only me?


I'm not holding my breath anymore. Done.


I had an intimate experience with a guy who told me... "I've never had this with anyone before." Among other gushful things about my inner world. (He's definitely not a player.) And now he's been avoiding me, even when i see him in public, he barely says hi. We live in the same neighborhood. I have a feeling he'll come back around, but its so strange to me. I think our connection scared the shit out of him. I'm not chasing this dude.. he needs to show the fuck up if he wants to be with me.


I dated a guy off and on for 13 years. He did all the signs especially staring at me and wanting to see me. The problem was he never did #3 which was most important to me so although he asked to be in a relationship multiple times I couldn’t fully invest in him because he never seemed interested in my life or interest.

I finally decided to end things for good even though he said he’s always wanted me and still does.

It’s hard not to call him but I don’t want to waste any more time on something that left me unfulfilled.


So good, Bern. Incredibly clear explanation.


Its been going on for 6 years now, he has said that he loves me, im his person, we have a lot of passion, but he has said he is not a ready for a relationship... So im done, cant wait for him to become ready anymore, coz i am.


Very useful ty. The man I still love was in category 2, but I've had all 3 of these. I've been giving him space & time from me & improving & caring for myself.


Thank you for this! It was very helpful!


My heart is 💔. I broke up with my ex today. I was in a situation like this video.He didn't give me what I needed emotionally but he has no problem interacting and flirting with other women. He pays them compliments but not me. He has NEVER opened up or talked about the future with me; never tried to know me on a deeper level. Never acknowledged to others that he was in a relationship, incl his family. Never showed any jealousy.
It hurts like **** but I can't take it anymore. Yet, he got very upset when I left him! He's very handsome, charming and intelligent. He won't be by himself for long. He claims he's in love with me. 🙄


Its been going on for 6 years now, he has said that he loves me, im his person, we have a lot of passion, but he has said he is not a ready for a relationship... So im done, cant wait for him to become ready anymore, coz i am and i have told him this.


I've had all 5 signs with someone 8 years ago. I thought he might be guy 1 (shy) so I asked about making things official. Unfortunately, he told me he was #3 - not ready for a relationship. After that conversation, our friendship took a nose dive and ultimately crashed, leaving me drowning in the worse grief I've ever known. I was afraid of love before, now I'm terrified of going through that kind of grief again. I haven't been able to connect with anyone ever since.


Great topic!!! Thank you! Question…What if you both met online, and you don’t live in the same state, neither of us like long distance relationships but something kept us going, so we went through all those tough conversations for 3 months everyday. FaceTime and calls all day even while at work. We hated to disconnect with each other. Then he says He should be the one to make the 1st move and risk and travel so we can meet in person. By the time we met, we had felt like we had already known each other for much longer than just 3 months. The sparks were more intense than they ever were by phone, the attraction and the Chemistry as well. He did all those gazing looks that you mentioned. Staring into my eyes, kissing my forehead, holding me tightly, even putting his fingers through my hair to move it away from my face. Well… We spent a couple of days together, and with each day it just got better and better, but then he had to get on a flight and leave and that was hard for me and hard for him but I thought and hope that before he got on the flight that he would say something that could possibly give me as to where he would like this to go and he didn’t. Is that a bad sign? One of our very first conversations he did say that he’s not good with his words but he’s good with his actions. I sent him a text while he was on his flight saying I hope you found the trip worth it and I hope you enjoyed yourself. Have a safe trip back home. Please don’t forget to call me to let me know that you arrive safely. Well he called me and let me know that he arrived safely and kept me on the phone until he went to shower and sleep. But he never answered the beginning part of my text. Is this a red flag or is it just that he’s shy? I do realize that just like myself he was married to someone for many many years and this person cheated on him publicly and he was the leader of a church. I can only imagine how devastating it was for him and he has confirmed that it was.
He’s a really good person. I see the way he takes care of his mom, his relationship with his kids and he’s definitely a rare breed as far as his morals & integrity but he won’t be outspoken. Now if I probe then he’ll open up but I wish I did t have to probe.


My crush at work does all of these, for me it was love at first sight


Gosh I know someone that does pretty much all of what’s on this list. But he’s twice my age so at first I assumed he was just being “fatherly” (maybe he is). But I’m starting to wonder because I only met him a few months ago.


Mine is a complex one. it's going to be long, I'm just venting here.

So it started when I started my high school...all students of our batch were coming one by one, we were all gathered in school garden. I felt something for him when I saw him for the first time(let's name him X), I just used to observe him. I lived in a place where most of the guys were pervert and the environment was not safe for girls. But after going to that school, I saw different type of guys, respectful, friendly with girls. X was also like that, he was very calm and soft spoken, bubbly person. He was also a little funny & weird although as it was starting of High school he was a bit immature. He was friends with one girl who was a bully(although she's a good person now), one day that girl made fun of my looks and he also made some comments about my looks, that time I cried for a whole day. That environment was very new for me, I was very innocent back then. Slowly I started to understand these people and started standing up for myself. I slowly started bonding with everyone. One day we were going to a class upstairs and X was walking beside me, he tried to talk to me but I confronted him about what he did to me, he apologized to me for it. But it was a fake apology bcoz after some days I heard from someone that he made fun of my looks behind my back to someone, and sometimes when we used to text...(he always texted me first, replying to my stories and all)...he said some cursing words and sometimes joke around about my looks. I stopped talking to him on text. After some years...I changed a bit...I would say a glow up and I gained some confidence, X and I still talked to each other as we were classmates but he never dared to make fun of my looks again..he has also become a little mature and sometimes I roasted him as I had grudges but he took it lightly although now I've stopped doing this becoz I think it's immature and it just makes me remember those things instead of making me feel good. Then in 11th, he got transferred to another section so we didn't talk anymore. Now school is over and me and my friends hang out sometimes and me and X meet each other because of common friend groups. He has also changed now, he doesn't make fun of anyone's looks anymore(atleast in front of me, I don't know if it's real him or not) but I'm not able to forget that completely, and even after his past behaviour, whenever I hang out with my friends and X is there and we talk to each other a little bit, I can't stop thinking about him after the hangout. I'm not sure If I love/like him or not. But I just can't stop thinking about him. We talk to each other like friends. I don't really talk to him that much...he just initiates conversation sometimes with me and asks questions about what's going on in my life, my interests, career stc. He is a kind and generous person and doesn't want to make anyone feel left out thus he initiates conversation most of the time. We don't really talk openly to each other, there's still an awkwardness between us like when we are in a friend group and all of the other friends become busy in something or go somewhere and only us are left alone, we don't talk to each other. I don't know if he likes me or not but even if he does I know he won't say anything because it would hurt his ego as he made fun of me in the past and I also don't give him that much attention because I respect myself now, recently it was one of my friend's birthday, it was kind of a reunion and X was also there, we talked a bit as usual and now again I'm constantly thinking about him. I just keep thinking about our interactions and my feelings towards him.
I'm confused as hell because I can never confront him about this as it will ve too pathetic of me😃


@bernmendez, how can we define deep feelings? Is it already considered as real love? Or not yet developed? I was told my guy has deep feelings towards me, but I cant get what type of feelings are. Love, strong passion, or first stages of love??


He has all of this but he told me he doesn't love me


What if you are living together? But he’s not as open or interested in your life as before
