Python: 3D Rendering from Scratch (Projection and Rotation)

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this video is a part 1 of an upcoming the series which will cover matrix multiplication implemation in code and the projection and rotation matrix using python , we gonna try making our own 3d engine in python , the next video gonna cover the 4D hypercube(aka Tesseract)

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i’ve recently started working on making a game engine from scratch. Thanks for giving me an understanding of how rendering can be achieved!


I need fellow programmers like yourself. If you ever need a friend for a project or someone to discuss your learning with I'd love to talk.


I came here to learn about python 3d rendering, but experienced something else at the start of the video.

For the first time ever without any knowledge or i saw an cube backwards after extensive google searching it's found that it's an optical illusion, that was the case with me in this video, it's called "Necker cube", it spooked me out for few dozen minutes till i found out what it was, i was confused why your 3d object was warped and moved in weird directions, now i know it's a cube i just see it rotating but backwards making rotations entirely different than a normal cube when seen in that perspective.

Incredible experience something that i've never seen before but also the information provided which i needed for a personal 3d rendering project in python!


Were you using any kind of library please reply


Where did you learn all this? I just started working my very own 3d modelling software like blender or c4d, and would like to know any resources their are, because my searches have come back lacking.


So cool ! How would you make it rotate based on the webcam of a computer ? Would you use AI to do that ?


Hey, that's awesome dude. I made my own program, that works just perfectly, but I still struggle to understand how you got those fancy rotations. I understand how to rotate the cube, but how do you make them beautiful, mine are just spinning to one same axis


Ok so mine has a weird error, in the rotated_2d section in the for point loop. It says it can’t do the second matrix multiplication. Something about a nonetype value is not subscribable


how do i project oter things like a triangle or idk


How can I make it without arrays (matrixes)?


why do you implement matrix multiplication when numpy offers it in a much faster way ? i wonder especially when making an engine you want theese multiplikations to be as fast as possible right ?


Sure... this would give me the code, but how would I LEARN ANYTHING FROM THIS!!??


Could you code a triangle filler for it?
(and make a video about it)


your code does not work line 60 for loop error


main py

import pygame

import os
import math
from matrix import matrix_multiplcation

width, height = 1920, 1080
black, white, blue = (20, 20, 20), (230, 230, 230), (0, 153, 255)

#pygame configurations
cube projection")
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
fps = 60

angle = 0
cube_position = [width//2, height//2]
scale = 600
speed = 0.01
points = [n for n in range(8)]

points[0] = [[-1], [-1], [1]]
points[1] = [[1], [-1], [1]]
points[2] = [[1], [1], [1]]
points[3] = [[-1], [1], [1]]
points[4] = [[-1], [-1], [-1]]
points[5] = [[1], [-1], [-1]]
points[6] = [[1], [1], [-1]]
points[7] = [[-1], [1], [-1]]

def conect_point(i, j, k):
a = k[i]
b = k[j]
pygame.draw.line(screen, black, (a[0], a[1]), (b[0], b[1]), 4)

run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if envent.type == pygame.OUIT:
run = False

index = 0
projected_points = [j for j in range(len(points))]

rotation_x = [[1, 0, 0],
[0, math.cos(angle), - math.sin(angle)],
[0, math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]]

rotation_y = [[math.cos(angle), 0, -math.sin(angle)],
[0, 1, 0],
[math.sin(angle), 0, math.cos(angle)]]

rotation_z =[[ [math.cos(angle), - math.sin(angle), 0],
[math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle), 0 ],
[0, 0, 1]]

for point in points:
rotated_2d = matrix_multiplucation(rotation_y, point)
rotated_2d = matrix_multiplucation(rotation_x, rotated_2d)
rotated_2d = matrix_multiplucation(rotation_z, rotated_2d)

distance = S

z = 1/(disstance = rotated_2d[2][0])
projection_matrix = [[z, 0, 0],
[0, z, 0]]
projected2d = matrix_multiplucation(projection-matrix, rotated_2d)

x = init(projected2d[0][0] * scale) + cube_position[0]
y = init(projected2d[1][0] * scale) + cube_position[1]

projected_points[index] = [x, y], blue, (x, y), 10)
index += 1

for m in range(4):
connect_point(m, (m+1)%4, projected_points)
connect_point(m+4, (m+1)%4+4, projected_points)
connect_point(m, m+4, projected_points)

angle += speed

pygame.ouit()import pygame

matrix py

def matrix_multiplcation(a, b):
columns_a = len(a[0])
rows_a = len(a)
columns_b = len(b[0])
rows_b = len(b)

result_matrix = [[j for j in range(columns_b)]for i in range(rows_a)]
if columns_a == rows_b:
for x in range(rows_a):
for y in range(columns_b)
sum = 0
for k in range(columns_a):
sum += a[x][k] * b[k][y]
result_matrix[x][y] = sum
return result_matrix
print("erro! the columns of the first matrix must be equal with the rows of the second matrix")
return None
