#AAA36 Complexities of Scale - Scale and Granularity in Archaeological Data Management

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A panel at The Australian Archaeological Association Conference #36 in Coff's Harbour Australia with the following sessions:

An Open Source Approach to Centralise Rock Art Data in Australia
by: Robert Haubt

Points of Comparison: Finding the right scale for new and legacy datasets in Australian archaeology
by: Penny Crook

Flat files have always been good enough: an argument for more nuanced data structures.
by: Brian Ballsun-Stanton

Doing data structures right: from Heurist entities to FAIMS forms and tDAR Deposit
by: Ian Johnson

I'm in the field now - Send me your App!
by: Shawn Ross

Aren't you just reinventing ArcPAD? Geospatial and structured data in the FAIMS mobile platform
by:Adela Sobotkova
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