Constitution of islamic republic of pakistan_1973 | article 14 | Muhammad Idrees Awan Advocate

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Here you will find latest news, topics covering current affairs, Human rights Particularly child rights & women rights in Pakistan and around the globe. Muhammad Idrees Awan Advocate official is a platform where we will discuss the violations of the Human rights in South Asia region, the Middle East, China, America and Europe.
Muhammad Idrees Awan Advocate is a platform where credible and investigative news items are shared.

I am a working As an Advocate and also Human rights activist since 2005 and since then my learning process has not stopped. Muhammad Idrees Awan Advocate welcomes your feedback on the topics it covers and will try to answer and reply to your comments, This platform will be your ultimate destination for latest news and current affairs topics.
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Muhammad Idrees Awan Advocate
(Human rights activist)

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