PHP List and Explode

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These 2 guys are really useful. Explode will brake a string up into an array by an character,
list will store the indecies of an array into variables. This is more for writing more usueful better readable code
list will store the indecies of an array into variables. This is more for writing more usueful better readable code
PHP List and Explode
PHP Tutorial (& MySQL) #28 - The Explode Function
What is explode() Function within 4 Minutes - PHP Tutorial
PHP - Turn Strings into Arrays with explode()
PHP 'explode' Function
PHP Explode Function | How to split a string into an array? | Code Leaks
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php implode and explode function in English (string to array & array to string in php)
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PHP string functions: explode and implode
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String Functions in PHP (Implode and Explode)
PHP Basics: Explode and Implode Functions
The implode() and explode() Functions in PHP
PHP Tutorials: How to use var_dump(), explode(), implode() and list() method in php
PHP Tutorial- Introduction to Explode Function
Explode in PHP - How to split a string to an array
PHP & MySQL Tutorial 28 - Array implode and explode functions
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explode() function in php
PHP explode & implode function | PHP tutorial for beginners lesson - 52