Magnus Carlsen BRILLIANTLY SACRIFICED HIS PIECES One After Another Like a Ninja Warrior | Chess

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[Event "Norwegian Championship"]
[Site "Sandnes NOR"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Magnus Carlsen"]
[Black "Geir Sune Tallaksen Ostmoe"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E15"]
[Source "Analyze This App"]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. d4 b6 4. g3 Ba6 5. b3 b5 $6
{This seems to lose time both based on what's already been played (...b6 and ...b5 is slow) and what will be played (Nc3 hits the Bb5).}
6. cxb5 Bxb5 7. Bg2 d5 8. O-O Nbd7 9. Nc3 Ba6 10. Re1 Bd6 11. Bb2 O-O 12. e4 $6
{The young Magnus plays to open lines, but he frees Black's pieces in the process.}
(12. Rc1
{focusing on the half-open c-file and backward c-pawn feels more like the modern Magnus.}
) 12... Nxe4 13. Nxe4 dxe4 14. Rxe4 Bb7 15. Rh4 $6
{Audacious $1 A little too audacious in fact, but who doesn't love aaudacity in chess $2}
(15. Re1 ) 15... Be7 16. Rh3 $2
{This move recalls the game Karjakin vs. Anand which we previously looked at. The decision is dubious, but in this case, it will be rewarded.}
16... Nf6 17. Qe2 Bd5 18. Re1 Qb8 $2
(18... a5 $1 ) 19. Ne5 Qb7 20. Bxd5 Qxd5 21. Qc2 c5 $2
{The threat of Ng4 $1 was too large and Tallaksen needed to anticipate it with a defense here.}
(21... h6 {g4-g5 is still scary, but at least Black isn't busted yet.} ) 22. Ng4
h6 23. Re5
{All of White's pieces are beautifully involved $1 It's not surprising that Carlsen has a combination.}
23... Qf3 24. Nxh6+ $1
{Sacing the knight for two pawns is obvious here, but without Carlsen's excellent 26th move, the situation would not be clear.}
24... gxh6 25. Rxh6 Kg7 26. Rg5+ $3
{Gorgeous $1 The rook on h6 is sacrificed. Can you see the follow up $2} 26...
Kxh6 27. Bc1 $1
{A retreating quiet move $1 It's hard to see such moves in the middle of a sacrificial attack, but Black has no defense now to the many rook discoveries.}
27... cxd4 28. Rg4+ Qe3 $1
{A resourceful try. Against a less precise player maybe Tallaksen could have saved the game with the surrender of his queen.}
(28... Kh5 29. Rh4# {is an important mate.} ) 29. Rh4+ {An intermezzo.} 29...
Nh5 30. Rxh5+ $1 {And another intermezzo $1 Carlsen scorns the queen.} 30...
Kxh5 31. Qh7+ Kg4 32. fxe3 {The queen finally falls.} 32... Rac8 33. Kg2 $1
{Another beautiful quiet move finishes the game $1 The king participates in checkmate while sacrificing the bishop on c1.}
33... Rxc1 (33... Rc2+ 34. Qxc2
{It's important that the queen covered this check.} ) 34. h3+ Kg5 35. Qg7+ Kf5
36. g4+ Ke4 37. Qxd4# {A beautiful mate in the exact center of the board.} 1-0
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[Event "Norwegian Championship"]
[Site "Sandnes NOR"]
[Round "5"]
[White "Magnus Carlsen"]
[Black "Geir Sune Tallaksen Ostmoe"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "E15"]
[Source "Analyze This App"]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. d4 b6 4. g3 Ba6 5. b3 b5 $6
{This seems to lose time both based on what's already been played (...b6 and ...b5 is slow) and what will be played (Nc3 hits the Bb5).}
6. cxb5 Bxb5 7. Bg2 d5 8. O-O Nbd7 9. Nc3 Ba6 10. Re1 Bd6 11. Bb2 O-O 12. e4 $6
{The young Magnus plays to open lines, but he frees Black's pieces in the process.}
(12. Rc1
{focusing on the half-open c-file and backward c-pawn feels more like the modern Magnus.}
) 12... Nxe4 13. Nxe4 dxe4 14. Rxe4 Bb7 15. Rh4 $6
{Audacious $1 A little too audacious in fact, but who doesn't love aaudacity in chess $2}
(15. Re1 ) 15... Be7 16. Rh3 $2
{This move recalls the game Karjakin vs. Anand which we previously looked at. The decision is dubious, but in this case, it will be rewarded.}
16... Nf6 17. Qe2 Bd5 18. Re1 Qb8 $2
(18... a5 $1 ) 19. Ne5 Qb7 20. Bxd5 Qxd5 21. Qc2 c5 $2
{The threat of Ng4 $1 was too large and Tallaksen needed to anticipate it with a defense here.}
(21... h6 {g4-g5 is still scary, but at least Black isn't busted yet.} ) 22. Ng4
h6 23. Re5
{All of White's pieces are beautifully involved $1 It's not surprising that Carlsen has a combination.}
23... Qf3 24. Nxh6+ $1
{Sacing the knight for two pawns is obvious here, but without Carlsen's excellent 26th move, the situation would not be clear.}
24... gxh6 25. Rxh6 Kg7 26. Rg5+ $3
{Gorgeous $1 The rook on h6 is sacrificed. Can you see the follow up $2} 26...
Kxh6 27. Bc1 $1
{A retreating quiet move $1 It's hard to see such moves in the middle of a sacrificial attack, but Black has no defense now to the many rook discoveries.}
27... cxd4 28. Rg4+ Qe3 $1
{A resourceful try. Against a less precise player maybe Tallaksen could have saved the game with the surrender of his queen.}
(28... Kh5 29. Rh4# {is an important mate.} ) 29. Rh4+ {An intermezzo.} 29...
Nh5 30. Rxh5+ $1 {And another intermezzo $1 Carlsen scorns the queen.} 30...
Kxh5 31. Qh7+ Kg4 32. fxe3 {The queen finally falls.} 32... Rac8 33. Kg2 $1
{Another beautiful quiet move finishes the game $1 The king participates in checkmate while sacrificing the bishop on c1.}
33... Rxc1 (33... Rc2+ 34. Qxc2
{It's important that the queen covered this check.} ) 34. h3+ Kg5 35. Qg7+ Kf5
36. g4+ Ke4 37. Qxd4# {A beautiful mate in the exact center of the board.} 1-0
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