Infectious Diseases A-Z: Rise in multidrug-resistant infections in kids

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Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections in children are on the rise. A new study shows a 700-percent increase in MDR antibiotic resistant Enterobacteriaceae infections in children admitted to hospitals around the United States. Mayo Clinic pediatric infectious diseases specialist Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse says, "More and more commonly we are seeing children who are admitted to hospital, who have infections with more resistant bacteria than we have been in the past. One of the biggest reason for this is the amount of antibiotics children are getting now. We know that up to half of antibiotics that are prescribed are either completely unnecessary or inappropriate. By inappropriate, I mean either the dose of the antibiotic is incorrect or the duration or length of time that the antibiotic is prescribed for is incorrect, and that is one of the biggest drivers of resistance." Dr. Rajapakse adds that the overuse of antibiotics is the single biggest driver in antibiotic resistance.