Haggerty's Music - Taylor GT 811e vs Grand Theater

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Check out this video of the NEW Taylor GT 811e compared to the Grand Theater Urban Ash! The new 811e has a full sound and comfortable body size and scale length. If you are enjoying our videos please hit the subscribe button. Thanks for watching!
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Couldn't tell the difference until you did the heavy strumming then I can finally say.... That 811e was something else... Oh my


Great comparison After owning the GT for several months it is both my son and I favorite acoustic. We own 3 other Taylor’s GS mini and and full size American made. But the clean look simplicity of the GT is great.

Comparing these two, to my ear the 811 has more full sound due to more bass low end. Though I like high on the GT better. The 811 seems a little too bright.
But the thing I have noticed about the GT and not sure if this is just my imagination, but it sounds better and better the more we play it. Is it possible it has opened up in just 4 months. Maybe I’m just more used to the sound. But it sounds really good. Not quite as full as our full size. But better than the gs mini. And just clear. So clear!! We love it. I also own a Martin djr10e. I like the neck better. And the nut size better but the urban ash GT has better tone, better sustain, clearer, louder, better finger picking sound, lighter, better craftsmanship (by far as it should for the money) and a “smoother cleaner bass imho. (Though for the $, the Martin is a great great value!)

The GT costs more than I think it should and I spent more to get it. But it is just so damn easy to pick up and play and just so darn clear.


Thanks for the comprehensive A/B (subbed)

For me, from a sound perspective it's hard to distinguish any huge differential (rosewood vs ash), but from the presentation point of view holy crap the GT811e is sure a looker! I have had the GTe for about 4 days and so far it hasn't disappointed in either feel, or sound and I actually prefer its more spartan look. Primary use for me is everyday player/travel guitar. That 800 series is a trophy I personally can't justify owning, but kudos to those that do!


811 has more class to it. It's what I'd get for live stage playing and recording.


Using headphones, the 811e sounds like it has more bass & chimeier treble, overall fuller. And this is the worst they will sound. Don't know if the 811e has a hard case. I've played the GT and it's fun, but was missing something. Wonder if Taylor will put a torrified top on it? Comes with a gig bag. The GT 811e is just a bit smaller than a 812ce 12 fret.


Thanks for this compare. I liked your previous compare of GT to GSmini. I dunno here and have been critical of the GT since first released. In this video I hear a difference between the 811e and UA models but not in a way I consider one better or worse and the difference seems slight. I'm struggling to justify the cost of the 811e tonally but also because it doesnt adhere to full 800 series specs; beveled armrest, neck and headstock binding and hardcase. The UA model seems better bang for then the GSmini compared to UA GT seems even better band for buck with little or no tonal loss. So I love the GT body and scale but everything else not so much. Is a bit of a dissapointment. One thing for sure is the GT regardless of model seems not a strong strummer, especially heavy strumming. I've always thought the GSmini held it's own strumming. IMO.


Nice demo well done. There is a difference that applies to both they are better for finger picking than strumming. The GT urban ash on strumming seems to get muddy and the 811 is just a bet better. I think the picking the Urban Ash the tone is clean and separated whereas the 811 doesn't have as much separation however it has more dynamic range. I notice when playing a mini Taylor it had more dynamic range and strummed better. Ok I know the mini was here I an A B against the Urban Ash. The surprise for me was the Urban Ash sounded so much better in person and is nice for picking with a little strumming. It was easier to get dynamic range out of the mini Taylor, and it sounded better strumming. The finger picking was really good, but a better on the Urban Ash. Neither were mic. I strummed with my fingers. Where the mini loses is in the higher frets after around 10th fret it starts getting that strained note sound that was disappointing. I know its a really short scale however you think they would have worked out some kind of bracing so it sounds musical and instead of dead strained notes. Both guitars handle and feel were exceptional better than 90% of other makers guitars, like butter. Any case I wish they had the Expression 2 system in them. If you amp them you can make them sound like anything you want. Just Ok I'm stopping while I'm still believable.


Man the Rosewood sure sounds great and deeper but it cost $1500 more...so is it worth the extra $1500 is the qurestion...guess it depends on rich you are. Great review.


They both sound great! I just hate the stock strings.. 811e is the winner for me just because it's bass frequency is so much more rich. Obviously due to the EIR


Oh that GT sounds better than that 811 to my ear.


The GT811 is slightly brighter. Replace the plastic bridge pins in the GT and they’ll be even closer in sound. The 811 does look very nice but I like the understated look of the GT. Is the 800 series worth twice as much? Probably not. That’s not to say that the 811 isn’t with the money. It certainly is! I think the GT is such an awesome value that you have to think twice about spending the extra cash! Is a Lamborghini worth 3 times the money as a Corvette?


Man I see a huge difference, but I don’t hear much difference. 2x the price would be hard to justify based on this.


as I figured before listening the 811E sounds tinnier on the high end strings. the first finger picking part the GTe had more volume I thought and over all is a more balanced guitar where the 811e has basically no midrange as usually the case with rosewood. I own an 814ce (the last X braced Andy designed) and love it but with this small guitar I prefer the GTe. I would not spend 2 times the money for less mid range and a tinnier top end tone( read brittle) nice option but I think the original Gte is a winner the way it is.


Sad that you don't choose the Urban Ash- a true gem


You really have to do this with your eyes closed….811


Yes, the equivalent of comparing a Hyundai with a Ferrari...the point is?...You get what you pay for!
