The Prodigal Grandson of Billy Graham

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Tullian Tchividjian opens up about his turbulent adolescence and struggles with God and what happened to bring him back to the cross.

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Sounds alot like my childhood. I asked Jesus into my life while I was in basic training (army) at the age of 17. I didn't realize at the time that He would change my life. I'm now 61 years old, and He is so gracious and kind to bring me along all these years. All praise be to Him!


Every one has different child hoods, some good, some bad, some horrific. Regardless, we all need Jesus!


This was my life too. Im 62 and have followed my Lord for 40 yrs now. My mother was a christian although dad was not. She took us to church as we were growing up. Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wensday night. Of course we rebelled as we got close to teen yrs. Dad told her not to make us go. I was in the world all though my teenage yrs. Many hurtful situations because of my sin. At 22 yrs, I finally went to church with my mom one night when she invited me to a revival service in a small Assembly of God church. That night the preacher, who knew nothing about me or even who I was, preacher a sermon that described my life to the tee. I went forward and crying my eyes out, gave my life to the Lord. Ive been with Him and He with me ever since. Its awesome. Never want to be apart from .He is my life.


I was saved/changed accepted Jesus Christ watching a Billy Graham sermon on YouTube 2 years ago. Thank you Jesus and Billy.


Im from India and Im 23 years old young man who was abused when I was just a kid and gone through many hard times and hurdles I never imagined of, being an orphan at very small age is something very hard to cope with, somehow I finished my high school and moved to a city and I had no source of money to take care of me, I stayed on the bus stations and railway stations and beaten up by the police men, went to prison for three times without committing anything wrong, just to meet my needs I was into prostitution and that led me to a big disaster now, Im 23 but Im depressed and in pain coz I have HIV AIDS in my body, anyone being a homosexual, bisexuals or anyone having more than one partner in your lives please I urge you to give your life to the Lord, I feel unloved, uncared but when I pray to God tears roll down my cheeks and I feel content that there's someone who loves me and will love forever no matter how I look, what am I and etc.. just surrender your lives to the Lord and He will take care of you, I know everyone have a story of different pains and struggles but what the Lord said those have heavy burdens let them come to me and Im going to give them rest and that is who our Lord is people please come to God and things will work.
Thank you for reading my story.


My daughter is a prodigal, and this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing this.


I love his testimony. So true and real. My Father was a minister all my life. He was saved under a Billy Graham crusade (before I was born). Later on he preached a sermon of the prodigal son and had my brother act the part …it was very moving and I recall many souls saved during that sermon. We are indebted to the Graham family.


Hi, I am an old woman living in FL, but I am from NC. I worked at Ridgecrest one summer, went to Mars Hill two years, Appalachian State two years, then Duke University and taught school in Raieigh. I loved and respected your Grandfather. I still believe that in line of God's people he is number 2, Jesus is 1. I've never heard of you. I thank you for showing your story. I've worked in the school system here in Jacksonville, FL for 50 years. I am well aware that people like you never know how many people learn from your story. You will never know whose life you touched. The worst student I ever taught tricked me into driving him to his grandmother's house when a tornado was coming toward the school. It was summer school. I had feweer failures than any teacher in the building. But he failed and wound up in my summer school class. The first day I told him that he would fail summer school if he refused to do the work. Well, here I am driving him a 11 AM to his grandmothers which is NOT on my way home. As we saw a Wendy's, I said, "We didn't even get to eat." I swung into the line and bought each of us a hamburger (his first), french fries, and a coke. I noticed that he got very quiet and said nothing until we reached his grandmother's house. Today (24 years later) he still checks on me once in a while. He is the main pastor at a huge church here in the city. I learned that he made straight A's in High School. I have been amazed how a hamburger changed this man's life. You don't have to be a minister or writer to be a Christian. You can do great work for God by living a good life. I am almost 84. Although I was a Christian from my early childhood, you never stop learning. About 15 years ago I learned something very important. I lay in bed every morning and asked God, "Sir, what do you want me to do for you today?" After doing this and obeying whatever He showed me to do for about six months, it hit me. I wasn't doing anything. God was doing it all through me. Some amazing things. I would always come back home laughing. Find your way to serve our God. I will never forget your story. Glad you shared.


I still wait for my prodigal son and I will wait for ever. You are a Very good speaker. Thank you


6:18 - 6:22 "The way they love me was an accurate picture of the way God loves sinners" AND THAT'S WHAT ATTRACTED HIM BACK TO GOD. What A Great Lesson for me


I’ve had a pretty supernatural life full of experiences good and bad and all I can say is Jesus is the only way to life and happiness.


I had a son like this and in the end i sat up in bed and gave him to the Lord and went to sleep in the end he came to the Lord and is a lovely guy but its never easy for parents


He sounds a lot like me when I was younger, and I was raised by two beautiful, loving, forgiving parents who are both now home with Jesus! If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be serving our precious Lord Jesus Christ today! Yes, I can very much relate to this nice young man! I thank God for His wonderful love, and for sending His precious Son to die for us, and te fact that He chose my loved ones and I way before we were in our mother's wombs every day! We, who really know Jesus are so blessed, that He called us all out of the dark, into His Glorious light!


When we are rebellious we cannot understand God and His will for our lives, it's only when we have gone "our" way long enough and it's still not working that we can see the God of our childhood. There was nothing in my childhood Christian home that led me astray except me and the choices I made. Thankful for praying parents! Wisdom from a prodigal.


TOTALLY relate but I didn't grow up in a Christian home. Thanking the Lord for rescuing me! Allehuia, AMAZING GRACE..


I received Jesus at 10 yrs old. But, I did not turn my life over to Him, and I paid the price. To this day, 51 yrs later, I am still paying the price for disobedience, even though I do not engage in that lifestyle any longer.


I love his testimony. We need these real are stories about redemption.


Thank you for posting this. This was me also. I am no better than him. In Jesus I live.


Would never have expected such a lifestyle from the grandson of Billy Graham. Glad it turned out right through. Bless you brother. I can imagine there are so many people out there who can identify with his him.
