Gardening | Jungle Beat | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Zoo

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Munki sees how much Trunk loves her flower, and wants a flower of his own to look after. Trunk is excited to teach Munki how to garden, and he turns out to be a good student - too good! The flower grows too big for his branch, and it needs far too much soil and water. Munki and Trunk have to find a new home for his plant - luckily, the bees always have room for a giant flower!
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Welcome to the Official Jungle Beat Channel, the home of all things Jungle Beat on YouTube! Enjoy! Don't forget to subscribe and turn on that notification bell! #junglebeat #munkiandtrunk #junglebeatthemovie #elephant #monkey #animals #JungelensPuls #Viidakkojytä #DschungelBeat #jungleritme #ジャングル・ビート #DJungelpuls #Lerythmedelajungle #ElRitmoDeLaSelva #ritmodellagiungla #정글비트