Plenary Session 'Economic Basis for Russia–China Partnership: New Points of Growth'

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China is Russia’s key trade partner. The two countries have considerable economic cooperation potential. Despite officially declared ambitious goals, the countries have not yet achieved significant progress in mutual trade and investment. Enhancing quality and level of Russia–China economic ties requires a shift from conventional models to innovative approaches to cooperation.

• What is to be done to ensure the most efficient use of complementarity of Russia’s and China’s economies? Which areas of collaboration should Russia’s and China’s policies be focused on? What is to be done to expand Russia–China cooperation beyond traditional energy sector? Will innovations and telecommunications be among the priorities of Russia–China cooperation?

• What hinders Russian-Chinese investment cooperation? What measures are to be taken by the state in order to increase Chinese business’s investment into Russian economy? Which projects located in Russia appeal the most to Chinese investors?

• What is to be done to promote Russia–China financial collaboration? How can Russia and China increase the amount of payments in national currencies? What are the priorities of Russian and Chinese interbank connections? Russian–Chinese cooperation in the derivatives market: what is being done?

• In what way could enhancing bilateral trade and economic relations accelerate Russia’s and China’s regional economic growth? Which Russian regions have succeeded in maintaining close production and trade ties with China? What are the factors that could make Russian regions not bordering China interested in collaboration with China’s regions?

• What is to be done in order to find new points of growth of Russia–China small- and medium-sized businesses collaboration? What are the sectors of established interaction between Russian and Chinese small and medium enterprises?

• What is to be done to align Russian and Chinese business cultures? Human resources in Russia–China trade and economic partnership: what is to be done to stimulate studies of relevant majors and to improve the quality of education?


NADORSHIN Evgeny, Chief Economist at PF Capital


GRUZDEV Alexey, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia

KRUTIKOV Alexander, Deputy Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East

XIN Zongyi, Vice President of China Gezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC)

KILZIE Fares, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CREON Energy

KLEPACH Andrey, Deputy Chairman (Chief Economist) – Member of the Board of Vnesheconombank, Member of RIAC

KACHAY Alexey, Deputy Director General for Strategy of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs

RYAZANOV Alexander, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Russian Holding Company

SHI Ze, Director of the Centre for International Energy Strategy Studies, Senior Research Fellow, Former Vice President of China Institute of International Studies (CIIS)

POLYAKOV Ivan, Director General of Interstate Corporation for Development, Deputy Chairman of the Russian-Chinese Business Council, Member of RIAC

SIMONOV Konstantin, Director General of the National Energy Security Fund
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