The Left in Power: reflections on SYRIZA's promise and achievements | LSE Online Event

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When SYRIZA came to power in January 2015, it promised an end to the bailouts and to austerity. After a major political struggle, it was obliged to accept new bailout terms and it spent its remaining years in office, in part, implementing its painful measures. In this conversation with Kevin Featherstone, Euclid Tsakalotos discussed its achievements and setbacks; what lessons its experience suggests for the Left in Europe; and the future for the Left in Greece and elsewhere. #LSEGreece

🔴 This event was streamed live on Facebook on 22 March 2021:

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🔴 Euclid Tsakalotos

🔴 Professor Kevin Featherstone

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I m greek and I admit that the socialism and left in carge were devastating. From an economic and a moral perspective


Ppe to educate a child into thinking being left a crime ... welcome to Oxbridge
