DESERT ROSE during Winter - How to Care for your Adenium while Inside in the Wintertime

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One of my favorite succulent houseplants is the Desert Rose (Adenium)! These lovely bonsai-esque plants are unique additions to any home. However, there are certain care techniques and expectations that should be understood when caring for these plants during the winter months. In this video I break down all you need to know about your Adenium during the cold winters so that you can keep your plants happy and healthy all through the winter, preparing them for a lovely flower filled summer season for you!. #adenium #desertrose #succulents #suculentas #houseplants
0:30 expectations
1:00 care tips
2:00 two things to look for

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I currently have 9 desert rose. I absolutely love learning about them. They are my babies. I also have orchids, Christmas, and Thanksgiving cactus. I so enjoy them all! Thank you!


I live in Scottsdale AZ and have been growing these plants for many years. I grow mine in a Bonsai mix that drains very fast. Right now they are napping in my garage until mid January when the days get longer and a bit warmer. I have them on a rolling table that goes out in the morning and back in at night. Whenever I see them start to grow I give them some water with Super thrive added to the water which is a vitamin product not a fertilizer. Once the nights stay above 50 degrees they a start staying out and I move them to their summer locations around the garden. I then start to fertilize them with a 20-20-20 Peter’s fertilizer weekly, they are gross feeders. I also supplement every 2 weeks with one tablespoon of epsom salt per gallon of water. They need the magnesium for health. I repot every year with fresh bonsai mix. Once our temperatures start hitting the 105+ I move all of them under a tree with an open canopy and throughout the really hot weather they get water at sunup and again at 2 PM. They grow like weeds and bloom like crazy.


Hi I accidentally came across Plant Vibrations by accident looking for info on Christmas Cactus. Been watching you ever since. I had a desert rose I thought was dead threw it on top of the compost heap last May. It started sprouting new leaves. Never knew they could lose their leaves. Really like the videos, fun and entertaining and learn a lot


Hi Devin I just got my first desert rose plant ..thank you so much for your help on how to take care my plant..I love all your videos so helpful..thank you so much.❤


Lost 3 (out of 4) Desert Roses this year while hospitalized Following your suggestions this Winter & keeping bone dry ! The only survivor has thickened the caudex noticeably. keeping fingers crossed.


Most popular and amezing flower plant my dear sir ♥️♥️🍁🍁🌼🌼🌷🌷🥀🥀💕💕🌹🌹💐💐🌸💮😘😘😘


Such a beautiful place, ,with those beautiful and lovely plants ❤❤❤


Hi Devin, I'm a subscriber from Lake Charles, LA. We enjoy a subtropical climate down here in Lake Charles. For instance, the temperature outside according to my computer is 64 degrees at 11:00 A.M. on Jan. 24. 2024. We have around100% humidity and it's completely overcast with light drizzle. My Adeniums are on my patio protected from the drizzle by the roof. I keep them outside most of the time except when some nights when the temp. rarely may drop below 32 degrees, but only for a few hours. So far they've kept all their leaves. Luckily they're near a heated room where I can scoot them inside for the night in the event of a light freeze. This spring I'm looking forward to adding a couple of large Aloes to my collection, an A. ferox and an A. marlotheii.
Love your channel and keep the good videos rolling! 🪴🌵


I started with desert rose like a hobby, now I have over 1000 plant's


Always a wealth of information, Devin. Much appreciated.


I keep most plants in my basement under lots of grow lights on timers to mimic natural sun. I actually found my Adenium does better in summer by doing this. Does it hurt the plant to NOT go dormant phase? Can I also prune it then if that is the case? Love your channel and will be watching more vids...


Devin i am so looking forward to get one desert Rose in the next spring time, this plant is so beautiful! I hope it will be fine here for this plant! Thank you for sharing greetings from austria 🤗 Christian


I have a dessert rose snd I think it’s actually getting ready to bloom! I did have a bout with spider mites! I did water it and it got gnats all over it. I took out of wet soil and sprayed and cleaned. Now it’s in dry soil again and doing great. I won’t water it anymore though.


You are so informative, thank you! I have two beautiful, large adenium. I am in central Texas and they did great bloomed a ton, even put out a seed pod in this 110 degree weather. All of a sudden, the weather cools to 95 and they both get floppy! All the limbs. I unpotted to check the roots and the Caudex-all is well-not soft and healthy roots. I remixed some fresh soil, not too wet or dry and repotted and lifted the caudexes a bit. I left them out a few hours before I repotted and they seemed 40% better but drooped when I potted again! Any clue what might be up with my poor plants? I don’t want to lose them and it’s too early for dormancy in Texas.


I just bought my first desert rose from Logee's in CT. It's February and the plant already has a good number of leaves. Should I be watering it moderately now? Also the stems look like they may have been grafted to the caudex which is fat at the bottom but then narrows as it goes up about 3 inches before the graft point. Can I expect new branches below the graft or will all new growth be above? I wish I could send you a picture of the plant.


Well, this is so brilliant❤ Thank you so much for this❤❤❤


Hi Devin, got a question. I live in SE Texas (close to Houston), and we had 1 night where it was 34° and I completely forgot to bring my Desert Rose in. The next day I came outside and realized my giant beautiful girl was brown. Her leaves mainly. What can I do to make sure she'll be ok for next year? I have brought her in because our weather is so unpredictable and better safe than sorry. One day it's 90° and the next it's 30° and I don't want another issue like what I'm dealing with now. I almost had a heartvattack when I saw her. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated!!!


Can you discuss about moonstone succulents please 💋❤️❤️❤️


I should have repotted my desert rose before dormancy but I didn't. Will it hurt for me to repot them during dormancy?


In NY so I bring my plants in. Some lost leaves while outside and when I bring them in they start to grow new leaves. So they don’t go into dormancy? I water them every week since it does dry. Do you think I should force them into dormancy by putting in garage?
